During the battle with Kovira in the Spirit Wilds of Republic City, Avatare Korra uses the Avatra State to protect Kovira from the Spirit Energy Canon blast. This tore a hole between worlds, and transported the Avatar and her friends through the weakened barrier between not only the spirit world, but also the world of Thedas.

Arriving in the village of Haven, and surprising the few remaining guards of the Inquisition, they discovered a world that was both similar and yet different to their own.


January 2nd, 2021



2 January | Rey Skywalker

I’ve been here for a few days now and I’m still not sure I believe any of this is real. I decided perhaps it was time I said hello, though.

I’m Rey.

The months are different here, as are the stars, but I think tomorrow would be my birth day, by your calendar. It’s a bit surreal. I can’t remember ever really celebrating it before, so I’m not sure what to do with the day now that I’m here.

[OOC: Roommates, feel free to assume you’ve met already!]