June 30th, 2014

[info]josieray in [info]shepherd_mesg

What I wouldn't give for some of manman's confiture chadeque. I'm going to have to call her and beg her to mail me some. Better yet, I should just have her mail herself here. I'm craving a good hot meal, and no one cooks better than manman. I should make her throw in some bread, too. There's nothing like warm Haitian bread in the morning. Manman spoiled me when I went home for a visit, now she's going to have to deal with me begging for care packages. She'll just sigh and curse the fact that I never figured my way around the kitchen. It's her greatest disappointment. She's praying for grandchildren to preserve her cooking legacy. If it were up to her, she'd already have at least two.

[info]joshuajfranklin in [info]shepherd_mesg

Group message to Gina and Eliina )

Private to Nadia )

[info]cmbeau in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Rupert Burwood
text from: Claire Beaumont
you have (1) unread message )

[info]will_i_ams in [info]shepherd_mesg

Email to Professor Gina Franklin )

Email to Professor Liam Murphy )

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

Private Message to Jack )

Private Message to Nathan and Kaia )

Private Message to Jake )

[info]rhodrychap in [info]shepherd_mesg

24 hours. Just under 24 hours until the game of the year happens. I liked Belgium. A fun country. Tall women. Great beer. Lots of French. And the Dutch can cook.

I hope the US decimates them so I have something more to watch and cheer for.

Also, I'm looking for a few volunteers. For a personal experiment.

Private to Ryan )

Private to Liam )

[info]rburwood in [info]shepherd_mesg

Gentlemen of Shepherd.

I should like to proffer an invite for an evening of cards and perhaps poker, the sampling of some of the finest whisky my collection has to offer and a chance to generally unwind. It will be a catered evening and you are all welcome to make suggestions of entertainment.
Simply let me know if you are attending, to gain a rough gauge of the numbers and I look forward to seeing you.

I shall arrange a nice mixer for both my male and female acquaintances at an upcoming date.

[Private: Claire Beaumont]
I warned you.

And if you mouth off to my friends either in public or in this forum, then you'll find yourself tied with a pretty bow and handed over to the Frat boys.

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

After the disappointing ruling by the SCOTUS, I weekend at sea is a welcomed diversion. I need to decompress after that mess, I've had a headache since the announcement was made. A few days without people might do me some good.

[Private to servitas]

If any of you need to get away for the weekend, or need a place to stay out of harms way, I can arrange that for you. Do not be afraid to ask. I will do my best to help you in any way I can.