June 29th, 2014

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

DC has been wonderful. It's been incredibly busy, but it has been very relaxing despite that. Being part of something that is working towards bettering the life of children around the world was very moving. It's such a daunting task, but a very worthy cause.

The play the debate club saw as a club activity inspired a lot of great discussion. This might be something we need to do more often. I'm sure it can be worked into the clubs schedule without issue.

Don't forget to stop by my dorm on Monday, Mr. Rigdon, as we discussed.

Private to Hayley )

[info]jrnott in [info]shepherd_mesg

Should I dye my hair blonde for summer?

[info]ed_carmichael in [info]shepherd_mesg

For those of you in DS we may have to reschedule our Wednesday meeting, I had a last minute work obligation come up and I'm not sure I'll be able to get out of it. If not we'll meet on Friday, normal time, at my apartment. Email me at ecarmichael@shepherd.edu for the apartment# or if you can't make it.

edit: 19:33:02 29.06.2014
It was brought to my attention that Friday is a holiday. I am not that cruel, so postponed till Monday evening, still at my place.

In other news, don't go see Transformers. It's really bad. I'd say you could at least enjoy watching big robots fighting but literally the first big robot fight with Optimus- instead of focusing on the fight we watch the humans try and run away from other humans. I wish I was kidding you all.

[info]cmbeau in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Taye Rogers-O'Reilly
text from: Claire Beaumont
you have (1) unread message )

[info]will_i_ams in [info]shepherd_mesg

As it turns out, my eyes are beginning to blur while I read. I am truly trying to focus instead of trolling this site but my resistance is weak. I don't suppose anyone has tips on getting the librarians to change the music to something a little less lullaby?

Private to Sterling )

Private to Xander )