Jul. 31st, 2014


Text to Josie )

Jun. 21st, 2014


This is the official two week notice to the annual Greek Auction. Get your ducks in order. If you need help with any variation of your ducks, don't hesitate to ask. The theme is the oldie, but goodie Arabian Nights.

In other news, the BBQ tonight is also an open house and semi-block party. Food and house-tours will start at 4. Band goes on at 8.


I could use a few extra hands to set up.

Jun. 17th, 2014


Moscow was lovely, however I could have been much happier not dealing with my mother's latest circle of friends. I was not planning on spending an extra week touring Prague's 'underground' nightclubs and torture museums. All I could think of was Hostel.

Also, the air conditioner in my dorm stopped working at some point over the last two weeks, and I'd rather not have to wait until the morning for it to be fixed. A little help, please?

[To All Greeks]
Just a quick reminder that summer Rush begins next week. It's informal, but somewhat crucial for a proper Fall crop. Don't forget, the Greek Auction is coming up. Start thinking about whether you'd like to put yourself on the block.

Apr. 25th, 2014


For Tag purposes )