June 25th, 2014

[info]sammansfield in [info]shepherd_mesg

First attacking my office, and now this. Someone is desperately trying to gain my attention. They will not enjoy it when I find them.

[info]mattdarius in [info]shepherd_mesg

Sent early Weds afternoon
Text message to Lexie )

[info]lexie_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Anonymous posters to be found all over campus Wednesday morning.

Staff Poster One: Sam Mansfield )

[info]ddrogers in [info]shepherd_mesg

I see someone's been redecorating around here. Not to my taste, personally, but I give props to good work when I see it. Next time, I hope we see a more enjoyable subject matter. Let's go with some David Bowie during his Labyrinth stage. Campus could use a dose of dance magic.

[info]lucyspier in [info]shepherd_mesg

Whoever took the last orange and lemon muffin from the coffee shop this morning, I am going to track you down and make you bleed. Fuckers. Those damn muffins were going to be the bright spark of my fucking morning.

Private: Ryan
Figure you know some decent lawyers in the NYC area. Got any names for me?

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

Has anyone seen my lab notebook??

Please, I really need it. I think I must have lost it someplace between the library and the pool but despite retracing my steps I can't find it. It's black, spiral bound with my name, cell and email address in it as well as a ton of really really important notes in for my class.

There's a reward. Just - get it back to me. Please?

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

Don't mind the squealing from room 1002. Not that it's an unusual sound or anything like that but one Mr. Jake Davis isn't here so we can't blame him this time. I don't know what you do to him Hayley. ANYHOO. Resume squealing. Finally got the last of the money together (thank you big tippers this weekend) and bought my mom and brother's plane tickets and booked their hotel room. COME ON AUGUST!

Also Greeks! Need community service hours? Anyone with half a soul want to give back? I'm taking sign ups for a group to help at the Special Olympics. It's mid-July this year 18th, 19th and 20th and all sorts of volunteers are needed. Best experience you can have while helping. Some of these participants are real charmers and even you with cold dead hearts might find a little thawing going on. Message me here and I'll get you more deets if you're interested. It's amazing, I've done it for the past 6 years.

Now back to your regularly scheduled physiology studying and happy dance making.