June 24th, 2014

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

I will be off campus for the next two days. I'm going to be visiting Washington D.C. for the World Childhood Foundation event. I may be off campus Wednesday, as well. Students, this gives you extra time to study for the quiz you were supposed to have tomorrow. Use the time wisely. Disappointing grades will result in a disappointing assignment to make up for it.

It's unfortunate that I did not learn about this event earlier, as I would have loved to bring the members of the debate club. I do, however, have a plus one on my invitation. Does anyone have a few spare days to visit Capitol Hill?

[info]kaia_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Just looking at it makes me want to take deep breaths to make up for the oxygen I lost from its grip )

Also, how do they get away with charging that much for a dress that is too small? Not even getting into the shoes!

[info]mattdarius in [info]shepherd_mesg

There is just so much important information in this article that it was impossible not to share.