June 21st, 2014

[info]rebgunn in [info]shepherd_mesg

I will be flying into New York for a day trip later this afternoon. I will return tomorrow evening. If you need to reach me, email me, and I'll get back to you when I'm available. Please only contact me in emergency situations, as I'd really like to enjoy Central Park. It's difficult to do that if I have to continually check my phone.

[Private to all Servita]

Even though I am out of town, my dorm is still available as a safe place should any of you need one. Send me a message and I will tell you how to get in. Anything in there is available for your use. Feel free to make use of the guest room. There is a fully stocked first aid kit in there. As always, your privacy will be protected. You do not need to explain yourself to me, or explain your situation. My dorm is available to anyone who might need it.

[info]nafran in [info]shepherd_mesg

This is the official two week notice to the annual Greek Auction. Get your ducks in order. If you need help with any variation of your ducks, don't hesitate to ask. The theme is the oldie, but goodie Arabian Nights.

In other news, the BBQ tonight is also an open house and semi-block party. Food and house-tours will start at 4. Band goes on at 8.


I could use a few extra hands to set up.

[info]liabruckner in [info]shepherd_mesg

Meet the New World's Ugliest Dog

Uh. Why is this even a thing?