June 22nd, 2014

[info]ddrogers in [info]shepherd_mesg

There's a map drawn on my stomach. I'm not sure what it's leading me to, but it looks like something important judging by the size of the X. I think it continues around my back, too. What the hell were we going on a hunt for, and how did I become the map?

Also, the song "Safety Dance" is forever ruined.

Costume party = total success.

Now to figure out where my stomach wants me to go.

[info]lsmurphy in [info]shepherd_mesg

I am completely destroyed. A tie of grandmother kissing proportions. Goals, unless they are your own teams, during the last minute of overage time are nothing more than heart attack, stroke inducing, torture.

That said, I can only hope I can manage a halfway decent lecture tomorrow. A beer of mourning is calling my name.

[info]jackatkins in [info]shepherd_mesg

Two weeks until the Fourth of July weekend. What to do, what to do.

Private to Eliina )

Private to Nathan )