June 20th, 2014

[info]jrnott in [info]shepherd_mesg

text to: Isabel Randall
text from: Jamie Rnott
you have (1) unread message )

[info]jrnott in [info]shepherd_mesg

Thank god for coffee.

[info]rhodrychap in [info]shepherd_mesg

I choose to forget yesterday's matches on that Pitch happened. Let's hope the US does better. Though I am rapidly not caring.

Private filter to Jamie Rnott
I trust you are sufficiently recovered
Be back after your classes.

[info]ddrogers in [info]shepherd_mesg

Party time people! I better see some killer outfits and big hair, because check it

Even I was able to pull off big hair )

Let's do this, people! It's time to blow off steam and get your Dirty Diana on! Besides, free food, and free drinks, what more do you want?

[info]lexie_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Getting in the 90s mood even before the party! )

Now what to wear for the party though.... Hmmm...