May 28th, 2014

[info]capalm in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to: Matt Darius
Text from: Cassandra Palmer
Time: wednesday 12:45:04am
you have (3) unread messages )

[info]magriff in [info]shepherd_mesg

For those of you who have not heard, we'll be holding the first summer session meeting of the Young Republicans this Friday.

This will also be a membership drive, so please feel free to bring new potentials as we will have catering and a guest speaker.

As a side note, who is throwing a party this weekend? It seems a shame to celebrate a return to school without one.

[info]mattdarius in [info]shepherd_mesg

First weeks are always fun. Can't wait for the auction. Going to be like Candyland this year.

Text to Claire )

Text to Maggie )

[info]hayleymc in [info]shepherd_mesg

Ah, the smell of the undergrad Science lab - stale coffee, desperation and the tinge of chemicals in the air. I've missed you over break though I think someone has been playing with the settings on my MassSpec.

Strangely though, I haven't missed the food they serve in the canteen.