May 27th, 2014

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

I am always disappointed when Sybil Ludington isn't included in my textbook. She should be! Paul Revere is only famous because it's easier to rhyme with than Ludington.

[info]alyson_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

Welcome back to our returning students, and welcome to Shepherd newcomers! Just a reminder that there is always someone on call 24/7 in the student health clinic, and we will never be angry at you for calling if you need us. The number should be in your packs and your rooms.

I look forward to meeting people, hopefully just for new student health checks and your monthly appointments, not anything bad!

[info]iliana_ in [info]shepherd_mesg

I suppose this is it, having to wear that stupid collar in public.

The things I do to stay with you, Shepherd.