May 29th, 2014

[info]anacker in [info]shepherd_mesg

7 Reasons to Bring Back Thank You Notes

I like this idea! More people should use handwritten communication, it's much more personal! I don't know if I agree with all of the writers opinions, I would never consider someone rude simply for not sending a thank you card, even though it is very nice and thoughtful to do so. It's always so fun to get mail, and to get new stationary! Hopefully more people will start doing this again. E-cards just aren't as nice.

[info]jackatkins in [info]shepherd_mesg

When: Weds, May 28th, Evening
Where: Their off campus home
Rating: Squee

Jack's get out of jail free card )

[info]eliinal in [info]shepherd_mesg

Text to: Jake Davis
Text from: Eliina Luvic
Time Stamp: 7:45pm
You have (1) unread messages )