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July 6th, 2018



Who: Brad and Carson
When: Friday, 3rd November, evening
Where: Brad’s place
Warnings: None
Status: Complete

Beer and wings, it's a match made in heaven! )



Who: Vex & Zania
Where: Ludlow Lane
When: Afternoon, Tuesday, October 31
Warning: Language?
Status: Complete

I was a cop, I'm used people in cages )



Who: Liam & Jen
Where: Liam's House
When: Evening, Tuesday, October 31
Status: Complete

Why do you know about demons? )



Who: Victoria and Jason
Where: Halloween Fest on Main Street
When: Night, Tuesday, October 31st
Status: Complete

Is this your idea of a joke? )



Who: Sebastian, Ophelia, and James
Where: The McCarthy House
When: Wednesday, November 1, twilight
Status: Complete

Should we get dad? )



Who: Alex & Mike
Where: Phone and Mike's house
When: Sunday afternoon 10/29
Status: Complete
You're the worst stalker ever if you don't know where I live by now )



Who: Dylan and Alex
When: Monday, October 30, evening
Where: Moxie’s
Status: Complete

Coincidences did happen in Point Pleasant, but they were admittedly few and far between )



Who: Sabrina and Jason
When: Monday, October 30, lunch
Where: School
Status: Complete

Meet some people. Make some friends. Socialize and stuff. )



Who: Brianna
When: Wednesday, Nov 1, twilight
Where: The street heading up to Overlook Estates
Status: Complete

It would have been arousing had it not been so damned frightening. )



Who: Adam and Lettie
When: Wednesday, November 1
Where: Mercy Hospital
Status: Complete

The car lived to see another day )



Who: Jared and Ty
When: Wednesday, Nov 1, night
Where: Jared’s place
Warning: NSFW

You were supposed to be chilling )



Who: Grady & Lettie
Where: Mercy Hospital
When: Friday 11/03
Status: Complete

I can't discuss open investigations with you. )