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April 1st, 2018





Sunday, October 15th - Saturday, October 21st

Weather: Scattered showers throughout most of the day and extremely foggy after sunset (don't worry, this is perfectly normal fog.); 64°/51°

→ Those in town who have been affected by the initial mirror hallucinations and mood swings over the past few weeks will have a rather strange experience tonight after they fall asleep. There is no real timetable to it, but at some point they will wake up, standing somewhere unknown in the dark. It's obvious they're outside, but the scenery around them is faded and out of focus.

And they're not alone. In the distance, they'll see a couple of other people - those who have had the same experiences with the mirrors. They may recognize them from around town, and they may not. But there is the undeniable realization that they're not the only ones who have gone through this. As soon as they start to move, maybe to walk toward the others, an inhuman scream fills the darkness, prompting them to wake up, safe and sound in their bed. But the dream - it was a dream, right? - remains fresh in their mind.

Weather: Light sprinkling of rain in the morning, but it clears up by ten o'clock in the morning and the skies remain partly cloudy for the rest of the day; 65°/43°

→ A pretty normal day in Point Pleasant. For anyone who might be paying attention, they'll realize the Rogan house has finally sold, but there are no signs of the new residents yet except for a locked, 1985 Chevrolet station wagon in the driveway.

Weather: Cloudy and gray with strong winds toward evening; 53°/31°

→ It's been awhile, hasn't it? But once again, the sound of a train barreling through the woods surrounding Seaview Village wakes a select few shortly before midnight tonight. As usual, most believe they're just hearing things, or maybe it's just an airplane flying too low. Maybe they know better, but it's easier to play dumb. If anyone decides to make the trek to the railroad to investigate, they won't find much but some lame vandalism on the concrete above the tunnel itself, next to the hook that had been placed there weeks before. Who's next? written in red spray paint. Some people have too much time on their hands, honestly.

Weather: Partly cloudy, but warm; 68°/43°

→ Nearly everyone in town gets a flyer in their mail today with a coupon for 50% off any costume at Spooktacular! through October 30th. Despite being a fairly small store, their inventory is seemingly endless, and if there's something you want, they've got it. Even if you had no plans to dress up for Halloween, 50% off? It's such a good deal that most feel rather compelled to go shopping anyway.

Weather: A miserable day with nothing but rain and thunderstorms; 63°/39°

→ Nothing of note to mention today. Enjoy the silence.

Weather: The storms clear out by morning and the rest of the day is sunny and clear; 66°/44°

→ Get ready for a spooky weekend, as the 45th Annual Festival of the Six begins today and runs through Sunday, October 22nd. The festival, sponsored by the Point Pleasant Museum, turns Main Street into the Witches Market, an emporium of magical gifts and artifacts with booths run by "real" practicing witches who have come from all over the east coast to share their gifts with the residents of Point Pleasant (for a fee, of course). Dive into your destiny with psychic readings! Send a message to your lost loved ones with an authentic séance! Enter the 'best dressed witch' costume contest and win free tickets to the official Sixers Halloween Ball that will close out the festival on Sunday, October 22nd. The festival hours are as follows: 3pm-11pm on Friday. 12pm - 11pm on Saturday and 12pm-6pm on Sunday. Admission is $10.

→ The Chamberlain Wolves play the Brighton Titans tonight at 7pm. For the players involved in the bus crash the week before, they must be medically cleared by a doctor to play tonight, although the entire team is expected to be there regardless of their eligibility.

→ The Point Pleasant Six Witches Tours continues tonight. Take a nighttime stroll to Lyttle Hill, the cemetery where the six are buried, and other other notable spots relevant to Point Pleasant's dark history. Tours are at 7:30pm and 9:30pm (only those 18 years of age and older will be permitted for the later tour). Tours will last approximately 90 minutes.

Weather: Sunny and clear; 65°/41°

→ Day number two of the 45th Annual Festival of the Six.

→ Tonight's Fright Series feature at the Orion is the 1985 classic, Fright Night, at both 7pm and 10pm.

→ As it happens every year around this time, there is an increase of visitors to Ludlow Lane to check out the old Zinneman house. The PPPD makes it a point to patrol this particular street a bit more during the weeks leading up to Halloween, if only to keep mischievous teens from sneaking inside or vandalizing the abandoned homes. Tonight, however, anyone passing by after dark may be unpleasantly surprised to find the lights are in the Zinneman house. Which makes no sense, since there hasn't been any electricity in the house for over ten years. Anyone who stops to go inside to check it out will walk into an instantly dark house. Maybe they were just seeing things...?