God is Dead!

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God is Dead - An RP of Angels, Demons, etc.



December 7th, 2010

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Who: Robbie Winchester and Cassidy Turner.
What: Fluffy stuff and sexy shenanigans.
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Their house in London.
Warnings: See the what, fool!

Surprise! )

November 27th, 2010

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Who: Soren Skwigelf, Teja Wartooth, Robert Winchester, and Cassidy Turner.
What: Soren and Cass have gotten a divorce. Soren is now living with Teja, and Robbie is living with Cass. Soren and Cass still want to be friends, and they're all trying to have dinner.
When: Saturday night.
Where: Cass and Robbie's house.
Warnings: Probably!

Yeah, they're all super sensible. )

November 14th, 2010

Closed - London - Mortal Realm

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Raziel had suggested a walk. It had been one of his favorite things to do, to clear his mind and to simply relax, and with Mary, they'd become frequent, enjoyable moments. His fingers wound into hers as they walked, and they spoke about small things, not usually the heavy, burdensome things that Raziel often had in mind. But tonight was different.

It was obvious that there were something that he hadn't told her yet. He'd had plenty of time to consider his options. She'd known that he'd been preparing their friend Ariel for ascension, and at least he knew that there was a new soul being groomed to take Hell's throne that he'd abandoned, but that left Raziel strangely free to decide what he was going to do with himself.

So as it was, they were on the bridge over the Thames when he spoke, "Mary, what if I were mortal?"

October 20th, 2010

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After meeting with her (and she still couldn't believe she'd found him) father, Melanie went off to London with Joe for some downtime. She figured she might also check around for a few more herb lore books. Ever since figuring out that her Nephillm blood made her a better healer, she wanted to test it out. She also was a bit baffled that her connection to the Six could carry over with other animals, that while her mother may have relied on the long-ago imp blood that ran through the felines' veins, but for Melanie it was an inherent gift.

A gift she was using without realizing it when she heard a tiny whimpering that she immediately understood as ... Mom? Where am I?. Blinking, she rounded a corner into an alley, poking around a bit behind some boxes until she saw a tiny black puppy behind a dirty box. He was shivering from fear, and she held out a cautious finger to him. "I'm not your momma, but I could get you something to eat, little one." She smiled, sitting for a moment before she felt a cold wet nose bump against her hand. The puppy tumbled forward into her lap, bouncing up to lick her face. From its bouncy, rambling whimpers, she managed to figure out that he'd been taken from his mother and given to someone she didn't like because he didn't spend enough time with him, and that he wanted to go somewhere warm.

After tucking the puppy into her shirt and zipping up her leather jacket around it, Melanie chuckled as it curled up and started to snore softly. Rounding the corner, she saw a bookstore that she figured was her type of joint - out of the way, small, and with few people moving in and out. She went inside without a second thought and purred at the warm air.

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It was dusk in New Orleans, and Joe Collins was out on his porch. Work had slowed down for the moment, but he'd done a reading a few nights past, and the spirits were angry. Hell, the spirits were outright pissed and raring for a fight. Something had happened to shake up everything - Christian angels, Jewish angels, devils, loa, everything supernatural was fucked up and angry.

Made him awful nervous about his partner. He dialed Melanie's phone. "Where are you, girl?" he half muttered, waiting for her to pick up or walk in the door or ... something.

(Follow the link here)

October 7th, 2010

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Ariel wore some of the clothing he'd purchased with Calliope to the shop the next day; a dark green shirt with dark trousers and the hat he'd picked up on a whim. So far he'd been complimented three times, and one of the grimoires he'd had for ages finally sold. Marietta was due in in the afternoon, and he couldn't help being a bit nervous.

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Ariel wasn't visible, but Calliope didn't mind overmuch. She simply sat on a table in the corner of his shop, grabbed an older-looking medical text, and began to read. She was wearing her kill suit, but it was still clean, the vinyl reflecting flickering lamplight.

October 4th, 2010

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After he'd bid Ash a goodbye in the morning, he came to open the shop, in a decidedly good mood. Hopefully Raziel wouldn't have his mortal hide for doing what he'd just done, but it had been a damned good evening. Hopefully the goddess thought so too, or at least good enough to get him on her good side.

He opened the shop, humming a tuneless song, some aria he'd heard somewhere. The Sefer Raziel was right where he'd left it, and he sat at the counter with it, waiting for customers to appear.

October 1st, 2010

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Ash breezed into Ariel's store. She wore an outfit that got her several lustful stares from a few patrons, stares she responded to with a steely gaze that sent them back to their books. Since she couldn't move from the doorway, she leaned against the doorframe to wait. He'd come eventually.

September 28th, 2010

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After bidding Calliope a farewell, Kabe ported back to Oshima with snacks. She stuck her head in the dining room and saw it was deserted, so she started to look for Uzza or Wolfwood. She found Yuki, curled up outside one of the guest rooms, but it wasn't her own. Scooping up the cat, she kept looking. "Uzza? Wolfwood? No, you can't have that pancake, Yuki."

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Wolfwood and Uzza were talking and having tea when Kabe felt the pull that was starting to become familiar. She murmured to Wolfwood that she had business on the mainland, and would be back soon, before teleporting herself to a back alley in Hakodate, the nearest big city to Oshima.

Immediately, she saw men; five Japanese men in various stages of stupefaction, terror and paralysis, slumped against the alley wall or lying on the ground. Some part of her wanted to help, but she'd been directed here. This was their time to be taken. All she could do, then, was watch. A dark figure, a woman from the silhouette, had them cornered, and had begun to do ... something ... to the shortest one of their company.

Her voice was even, if only because she'd seen a lot of murders in her lifetime. "Not one of the more peaceful ways to die that I've ever witnessed. And I've seen a lot of them."

September 25th, 2010

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Ariel walked into the back door of his shop, the Sefer Raziel under his arm. He'd begun to translate the book, and only four pages in already felt like he'd been working for years. Marietta Turner had helped him get more sleep, but at the same time he still felt exhausted. He'd get through today at the shop by himself, then take the evening off.

He came into the main room, and set his things down. Only belatedly did he catch a glimpse of the woman sitting cross-legged within the devil's trap at the main door.

September 21st, 2010

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He was doing better now that he'd had some time to adjust. Temple had helped, between Enoch and Mary (and a surprising appearance from Ariel). Gabe had also thrown himself into work, having spent a decent time in Limbo in the last few weeks. He'd hung out a bit more with Azrael, and surprisingly enjoyed it. He'd heard that the priest had liked the little bonsai tree he'd brought, and that Kokabiel was on earth doing fuck-knew-what. Lots was going on.

He came home early one afternoon, looking around. "Lilo?" Gabe called, picking up Danger and scritching her, but not seeing Lilo. "You home, baby?"

September 19th, 2010

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They had arrived in a most unconventional way, at least by Wolfwood's standards. He'd never really been teleported anywhere, so that was one of the few weird things he felt he needed work on in the future. But when they got there, he found himself rather in awe of the world known as Earth. It wasn't unlike Stantal - at least this part wasn't. It was sandy, sunny, hot and where they were, there were few people. He was rather surprised to see any amount of grass on the lawn when he followed Kabe as she helped a man pass on in his home, and he waited outside for her. His cigarette was dangling from his lip as he crouched down and ran his hand through the dry, yellowing grass of the lawn, fascinated by it.

He'd seen grass, but it was rare to him. The single sun was also just a little unnerving, but he figured he'd get used to it. He also knew there was only one moon. He wondered if people felt more alone in sympathy for their solitary celestial bodies.

September 18th, 2010

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Mary was packing a few things from her old apartment to move into Mephisto's place. Humming as she folded clothes into a suitcase, she all but danced around the hardwood floors. She mostly wanted to make sure all of her sentimental things came to her new home with her - as well as her cooking supplies. She fully intended to spoil Mephisto by feeding him as many wonderful things as she could.

September 17th, 2010

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When that Monday came around, Ariel had been running constantly for three days. He would stay today, to help Miss Turner learn the ropes, and then he could go home and sleep for the next two days straight. Thankfully, the day had been quiet, and he wouldn't be inundated with customers while trying to teach. He had to focus his mind as he went into the shop, just to make sure that he wasn't speaking Angelic instead of English.

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She'd left Oshima a few Earth-hours ago, and with the power Azrael had given her, she was able to simply will herself to the train station in Limbo. It looked as busy as it had the last time she'd managed to notice, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that she'd soon be responsible for some of these people coming here peacefully. Still, right now she had other plans. She headed into the hostel where she'd been recuperating, looking for Az or Wolfwood. Especially Wolfwood.

September 15th, 2010

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Imamiah had heard from the girl he'd met on the subway - Napalm - and was now headed to collect her. Truth told, he was a trifle nervous. She was a succubus, but the part that unsettled him was that she was a human. He didn't entirely know how to react to them. He'd done well enough before, but who knew what might go wrong?

Still, he supposed, the worst that could happen was that she would forget him or tell him to leave. He tried to call out to her via the mind, just to ensure that she wouldn't be too surprised. Napalm? I'm here.

September 14th, 2010

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There was a tiny tinkling of bells as Marietta Turner pushed through into Nemo's Rare Books. Her ballet flats were whisper quiet against the wooden floor, and she pursed her full lips as she scanned the room. Her odd ruby-colored eyes made quick work of the organization system, and she moved toward a stack while pulling her shawl closer around her shoulders.

September 12th, 2010

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Finally, at last, Wolfwood had told Kokabiel she could go, given she could walk normally in flat shoes. She'd told him she'd be back in a day or so to take him topside, as he'd needed a bit of time to prepare himself for actually seeing Earth. She didn't blame him. She'd kissed him goodbye - hopefully well enough for him to keep in his mind for a day or so - and told Azrael she'd return to get her briefing.

Kabe popped back topside on Oshima Island, in Japan, and for a moment, was overcome. It was so different than where she'd been trapped - different trees, animals, and the sense of the water lapping at the shore pushed her to where she had to fight tears. It was beautiful, in every sense of the word.

Eventually she recovered her calm and looked inland. She knew Uzza had been chained here, and figured the first place she ought to go upon returning to Earth was to ask her brother-in-arms a lot of questions. She just hoped he wouldn't pass judgment on her for what she'd done. It wasn't his place. And besides, she thought, she still might technically outrank him.
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