God is Dead!

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God is Dead - An RP of Angels, Demons, etc.


September 19th, 2010

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They had arrived in a most unconventional way, at least by Wolfwood's standards. He'd never really been teleported anywhere, so that was one of the few weird things he felt he needed work on in the future. But when they got there, he found himself rather in awe of the world known as Earth. It wasn't unlike Stantal - at least this part wasn't. It was sandy, sunny, hot and where they were, there were few people. He was rather surprised to see any amount of grass on the lawn when he followed Kabe as she helped a man pass on in his home, and he waited outside for her. His cigarette was dangling from his lip as he crouched down and ran his hand through the dry, yellowing grass of the lawn, fascinated by it.

He'd seen grass, but it was rare to him. The single sun was also just a little unnerving, but he figured he'd get used to it. He also knew there was only one moon. He wondered if people felt more alone in sympathy for their solitary celestial bodies.

September 17th, 2010

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She'd left Oshima a few Earth-hours ago, and with the power Azrael had given her, she was able to simply will herself to the train station in Limbo. It looked as busy as it had the last time she'd managed to notice, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that she'd soon be responsible for some of these people coming here peacefully. Still, right now she had other plans. She headed into the hostel where she'd been recuperating, looking for Az or Wolfwood. Especially Wolfwood.

September 10th, 2010

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Nicholas had a restful sleep for a change, and that was good. What was better was that he was pretty damn sure Azrael insinuated that the grouchy fallen angel that he'd been helping heal up had some sort of infatuation with him. After a quick shower and a quick change of clothes - something he rarely ever had, NEW clothes - he buttoned up his shirt up, leaving the first two buttons undone. He shaved, and strapped all his weapons to himself in a well-practiced set of movements; back, hips, ankles, arms. That done, he pulled on his clean, new jacket and went down the hall to knock on Kokabiel's door. "Housekeeping!" He cheerfully mocked the universal call, before grinning. "May I come in?"

September 9th, 2010

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"Doing any better today?" Asked Azrael after slipping in through the door to the bedroom that Kokabiel had been resting since the angel of Death found her crawling her way out of Hell. He'd been busy as usual, but he'd sent the dead, displaced priest to keep Kabe company. They both had similar points of view, and he figured they'd both feel comfortable around each other, despite the fact that Kabe wasn't used to talking with humans, and Nicholas wasn't what one would call 'typical' for humans. His whole world was third world. Yikes.

"Because if you're not, I can come back later."

September 6th, 2010

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Kokabiel clung to the stairwell leading from the 6th to the 5th circle, jaw set. She'd taken to crawling, in order to keep herself hidden from the demons crawling nearby. In the Malebolge, she'd fallen into the pit of panderers and seducers, and only barely escaped with her life and her virtue. Her formerly-pristine dress was tattered and blood-spattered. Patches of skin were missing on her legs and feet. Lava had burned up past her knees. Her hair was a mess and her face was bruised, one eye swollen shut. She'd long since managed to close off her mind to anything but the voices of Solas and Penemuel, and escape. Five circles. I can at least get to Limbo. She kept climbing.

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"I didn't want to die this way!"  Were the last living thoughts the gunslinging priest had before he found himself taken in by an all-encompassing light. Squinting and shielding his eyes, Nicholas D. Wolfwood walked forward, shouldering his cross, before noticing vague figures in the distance. He couldn't see the sand below him, or feel it, but he knew he was walking. He couldn't smell the dust in the air, but a vague, sweet odor made him feel at ease.

"Where am I?" He asked. "Is... is this Heaven?"
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