God is Dead!

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God is Dead - An RP of Angels, Demons, etc.


September 15th, 2010

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Imamiah had heard from the girl he'd met on the subway - Napalm - and was now headed to collect her. Truth told, he was a trifle nervous. She was a succubus, but the part that unsettled him was that she was a human. He didn't entirely know how to react to them. He'd done well enough before, but who knew what might go wrong?

Still, he supposed, the worst that could happen was that she would forget him or tell him to leave. He tried to call out to her via the mind, just to ensure that she wouldn't be too surprised. Napalm? I'm here.

September 7th, 2010

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When the chains had left him entirely, Imamiah had taken a first hesitant step out of Hebron's city limits, and he hadn't burst into flames. He hadn't bothered to figure out why, he'd just taken the first plane out of Tel Aviv to anywhere.

It turned out to be heading for Heathrow, in London. He'd made his way along the airport halls, then into the tube on a lark. Why not? He could move around! O frabjous day! He'd sit in the tube all day if he could. People-watching was his passion. The crowd started to get more and more fractious as the train headed into the city centre, but he just sat there, smiling.
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