God is Dead!

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God is Dead - An RP of Angels, Demons, etc.


October 7th, 2010

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Ariel wore some of the clothing he'd purchased with Calliope to the shop the next day; a dark green shirt with dark trousers and the hat he'd picked up on a whim. So far he'd been complimented three times, and one of the grimoires he'd had for ages finally sold. Marietta was due in in the afternoon, and he couldn't help being a bit nervous.

September 17th, 2010

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When that Monday came around, Ariel had been running constantly for three days. He would stay today, to help Miss Turner learn the ropes, and then he could go home and sleep for the next two days straight. Thankfully, the day had been quiet, and he wouldn't be inundated with customers while trying to teach. He had to focus his mind as he went into the shop, just to make sure that he wasn't speaking Angelic instead of English.

September 14th, 2010

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There was a tiny tinkling of bells as Marietta Turner pushed through into Nemo's Rare Books. Her ballet flats were whisper quiet against the wooden floor, and she pursed her full lips as she scanned the room. Her odd ruby-colored eyes made quick work of the organization system, and she moved toward a stack while pulling her shawl closer around her shoulders.
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