Daily Scans
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:47 am [blake_reitz]
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More Scott and Logan drinkin' I had forgotten how much I liked this issue, and in my haste to post from it earlier, neglected some key dialog between Cyclops and Wolverine. So I trimmed down my original post a bit to fit this short conversation...
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Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: chris bachalo, creator: grant morrison, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: new x-men
12:30 am [blake_reitz]
[Link] | All this Scott/Emma/Jean talk reminded me of my favorite Scott Summers moment, from the beginning of New X-Men 142.
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Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, creator: chris bachalo, creator: grant morrison, publisher: marvel comics, title: new x-men
04:00 pm [xdoop]
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Grant Morrison on the Scott/Emma affair.
 Back in S_D 1.0, I posted the storyline of Scott and Emma's affair from Grant Morrison's New X-Men run. I remember that there was some debate over whether or not Scott was actually cheating on Jean, since the hot sweaty sex he was having with Emma was only telepathic.
Well, here to settle the debate once and for all is Grant Morrison himself.
Tags: char: cyclops/scott summers, char: dust/sooraya qadir, char: marvel girl/phoenix/jean grey, char: white queen/emma frost, creator: frank quitely, creator: grant morrison, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: new x-men
04:01 pm [colonel_green]
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Psycho Loves Jerkass: Laura and Julian (Part IV): Interruptus
Our look at the complicated relationship between X-23 and Hellion in Craig Kyle and Chris Yost's New X-Men concludes: everybody goes to Hell, another couple's drama viciously intersects with theirs, poor Julian gets traumatized some more, and then everything ends unresolved.
Tags: char: belasco, char: dust/sooraya qadir, char: hellion/julian keller, char: lady deathstrike/yuriko oyama, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: prodigy/david alleyne, char: surge/noriko ashida, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, char: x-23/laura kinney, creator: chris bachalo, creator: chris yost, creator: craig kyle, creator: humberto ramos, creator: mike carey, creator: skottie young, publisher: marvel comics, series: psycho loves jerkass, title: new x-men
09:22 pm [colonel_green]
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Psycho Loves Jerkass: Laura and Julian (Part III): A Night on the Town
Our series hits Part III, easily the longest segment, covering the "Mercury Rising" storyarc that ran from New X-Men #33-36. Laura and Julian take a break from saving each other (though they end up doing that too) to save someone else, and Julian tries to get her to go cold-turkey on killing bad guys. And Emma finally directs her righteous bitchiness at an wholly appropriate target.
Oh, and Laura has clearly been sitting in on Marvel's creator summits, enabling her to predict the future.
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Tags: char: hellion/julian keller, char: kimura, char: kingpin/wilson fisk, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: owl/leland owlsley, char: white queen/emma frost, char: x-23/laura kinney, creator: brian michael bendis, creator: chris yost, creator: craig kyle, creator: ed brubaker, creator: leinil francis yu, creator: michael lark, creator: paco medina, publisher: marvel comics, series: psycho loves jerkass, title: new x-men
09:45 pm [colonel_green]
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Psycho Loves Jerkass: Laura and Julian (Part II): Don't Think About Pink Robots
Continuing with our series covering the relationship arc of X-23 and Hellion in New X-Men. This time around, Laura becomes more a part of the group, just in time for them to face off with the much-mocked pink Sentinel from the future.
Lots of images, so not for dialup (man, people still use dialup?).
Tags: char: elixir/josh foley, char: hellion/julian keller, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: ms. marvel/carol danvers, char: surge/noriko ashida, char: white queen/emma frost, char: x-23/laura kinney, creator: chris yost, creator: craig kyle, creator: duncan rouleau, creator: mike norton, creator: paco medina, publisher: marvel comics, series: psycho loves jerkass, title: new x-men
06:04 pm [colonel_green]
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Psycho Loves Jerkass: Laura and Julian
Part 1 of a series revisiting the story of the relationship between X-23 and Hellion from New X-Men.
Tags: char: hellion/julian keller, char: surge/noriko ashida, char: white queen/emma frost, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, char: x-23/laura kinney, creator: chris yost, creator: craig kyle, creator: mark brooks, creator: paco medina, publisher: marvel comics, series: psycho loves jerkass, title: new x-men