Daily Scans
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
08:53 pm [scottyquick]
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Moar evidence that Huntress is stealthier then Batman Two scans from the excellent Huntress/Batman: Cry for Blood miniseries.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: huntress/helena bertinelli, creator: greg rucka, creator: rick burchett, publisher: dc comics, title: batman/huntress cry for blood
01:53 am [kingrockwell]
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by request, Huntress/Question (pt 2) Ladies and gentlemen, tonight I bring you the mother lode of Huntress/Question goodness, Batman/Huntress: Cry For Blood! The wonderful words are Greg Rucka, the amazing art is Rick Burchett, the excellent enjoyment is yours!
Current Music: Modest Mouse ~ "Ohio" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: huntress/helena bertinelli, char: question/vic sage, char: richard dragon, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, creator: greg rucka, creator: rick burchett, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, title: batman/huntress cry for blood
10:05 pm [kingrockwell]
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Vic Sage: Because I can't pick just one One of these days I need to do a multi-part dissertation on our good buddy Vic, but for now you get a series of Perfect Moments.
Current Music: Elvis Costello ~ "Watching The Detectives" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: huntress/helena bertinelli, char: question/renee montoya, char: question/vic sage, creator: greg rucka, creator: joe bennett, creator: rick burchett, creator: rick veitch, creator: roger cruz, creator: shawn moll, creator: tommy lee edwards, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, series: one perfect moment week, title: 52, title: batman chronicles, title: batman/huntress cry for blood, title: the question