Daily Scans
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
11:42 pm [jlroberson]
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Nok Lok, Who's There?
Current Location: Seattle Current Music: Brainless McGee, Song Stylist of the Appalachians. Whom I just made up. Tags: char: indigo, event: blackest night, group: green lantern corps, group: indigo tribe, group: sinestro corps
06:01 pm [ghosty732]
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Corps 101: Indigo Tribe DC's blog has a profile up today of the Indigo Tribe, embodiments of Compassion.
Tags: char: indigo, event: blackest night, group: indigo tribe, publisher: dc comics
09:21 am [sherkahn]
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The War of Light I think this just speaks volumes by itself. No words on my part will do it justice.
Current Location: Waiting for Friday to get fun Current Music: "The Planets - Mars, Gustav Holst Tags: char: agent orange/larfleeze, char: atrocitus, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: indigo, char: saint walker, char: sinestro, char: star sapphire/carol ferris, event: blackest night, group: blue lantern corps, group: green lantern corps, group: indigo tribe, group: red lantern corps, group: sinestro corps, group: star sapphires