Daily Scans
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
09:42 pm [seawolf10]
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An old favorite of mine for Halloween Week (1 of 3) The Doom That Came To Gotham.
Mike Mignola writes an Elseworlds crossover between Batman...
...and the Cthulhu mythos.
( In fact, the name's a nod to H.P. Lovecraft's short story, 'The Doom That Came To Sarnath.' )
Page count: 16 out of 48. And man, I had to cut a lot of good stuff (snarky commentary, homages, references) to pare it down that far. Since this is out of print and pretty hard to find, is there any chance of being allowed to post more than the usual 1/3 limit?
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: robin/red hood/jason todd, char: robin/red robin/tim drake, char: talia al ghul, creator: mike mignola, creator: troy nixey, genre: elseworlds, theme: halloween
10:24 pm [superfan1]
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Nyssa brainwashing Talia ( Request by pepperspray101,not dail-up safe )
Tags: char: nyssa al ghul, char: talia al ghul, creator: greg rucka, publisher: dc comics
04:58 pm [mysteryfan]
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70s Talia By request, for runespoor7, who requested 70s Talia*
tags: creator: Dennis O'Neil, creator: Bob Brown, creator: Dick Giordano, char: Talia Al Ghul, char: Batman/Bruce Wayne, title: Detective Comics, era: Bronze Age
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: talia al ghul, creator: bob brown, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: dick giordano, era: bronze age, publisher: dc comics, title: detective comics
06:27 pm [bluefall]
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The Many Faces of Barbara Minerva, part 5 (Rucka & Villains United) It's kind of odd to say, but up till this point, the Cheetah has actually had a certain consistency to her. I mean, obviously, in four different chapters we've had four completely different characters, but every different take on Barbara Minerva has actually followed pretty reasonably from the one before, enough that you can actually trace a coherent thread of development through the whole thing - you can see where WML got his reluctant ally from in Perez, you can track Jimenez' calm mastermind to Byrne's deliberate restoration. There have been wild shifts in character, yes, but nothing truly out of left field (Boy!Cheetah excepted, but he doesn't reflect on Minerva herself). You can always pretty much figure where any given emphasis sprang from.
Yeah, that was apparently too good to last.

Next up, somewhat less annoying but possibly even more stupid: Cheetah as portrayed by Pfeifer, with bonus Jeph Loeb. Because apparently the purpose of this series was to torture myself and then spread the pain to you.
Tags: char: bizarro, char: black canary/dinah lance, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: felix faust, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: lex luthor, char: talia al ghul, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, char: zoom/hunter zolomon, publisher: dc comics, series: many faces of barbara minerva, series: world of wondy