Daily Scans
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
12:04 am [kingrockwell]
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It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 9
 O'Neil: Vic the Seeker (pt 5)
I've worn myself out doing little dances over the announcement for Question #37, so I figured I'd celebrate another way, especially since it's been a month and a half since my last post in this series.
We're going through Question v1 #'s 13 & 14 today, a two-parter that runs Vic's endurance, conviction, martial training and detective skills through the gauntlet as he takes on a elite special forces unit gone rogue. I was originally going to put #15 in this post as well, but after re-reading it I'm still not quite sure of my take on it, and it's subject matter is heavy enough that it should be analyzed on its own.
Current Mood: i prefer "hang onto your ego" Current Music: Beach Boys ~ "I Know There's An Answer" Tags: char: myra connelly, char: question/vic sage, char: richard dragon, char: tot/aristotle rodor, creator: bill sienkiewicz, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: denys cowan, creator: rick magyar, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, title: the question
11:00 pm [kingrockwell]
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It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 6
 O'Neil: Vic the Seeker (pt 2)
After the first arc, O'Neil's series tended toward Vic confronting a Curiousity of the Month, set against the backdrop of a Hub City trying desperately (and mostly failing) to put itself back together.
Current Music: ? and the Mysterians ~ "96 Tears" Tags: char: myra connelly, char: question/vic sage, char: tot/aristotle rodor, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: denys cowan, creator: rick magyar, in-joke: not getting any, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, title: the question
10:59 pm [kingrockwell]
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It's Not About The Answers: Behind The Mask Of Vic Sage, pt 5 O'Neil: Vic the Seeker (pt 1) featuring the Post-Crisis debuts of Tot, Lady Shiva and Richard Dragon!
When last we left our hero, he was brought up on charges by the Cool Quota Cops. In the two months between his appearance in Blue Beetle and the debut of his very first self-titled series, he was found by a jury of his super-cool peers guilty of hubris in the first-degree. The sentence, carried out February 1987 by Dennis O'Neil and Denys Cowan...

Current Music: R.L. Burnside ~ "Bad Luck City" Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: lady shiva/sandra woosan, char: myra connelly, char: question/vic sage, char: richard dragon, char: tot/aristotle rodor, creator: bill sienkiewicz, creator: dennis o'neil, creator: denys cowan, creator: rick magyar, publisher: dc comics, series: it's not about the answers, title: the question