February 14th, 2015

[info]poisonedskin in [info]savingthegames

Who: Rebecca Sargent.
What: Holidays celebrating love are the worst.
When: Saturday, February 14th, mid morning.
Where: Her apartment.
Warnings: None, just Rebecca feeling sorry for herself.
Status: Narrative/Complete.
I'm still the same but you're not going to take me down again )

[info]dedicatedsoul in [info]savingthegames

Who: Emily Ackers and Dylan Ackers.
What: Emily feels ill and Dylan worries.
When: Saturday, February 14th, afternoon.
Where: Their Emily's house to Doctor's office.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Ongoing.
And you forgive me again you're my one true friend and I never meant to hurt you )

[info]byvirtue in [info]savingthegames

Package left in Molly's room )

[info]byvirtue in [info]savingthegames

[Private to Chase]

Happy Valentine's my favorite wee piglet. We should get together sometime.