February 3rd, 2015

[info]skintightsecret in [info]savingthegames

Who: Tristan and Eddie
What: Tristan brings Eddie to Arkin's base and the two are faced with the challenge of the End of Days.
When: Monday, February 2nd; afternoon
Where: Collector's Base
Warnings: None
Status: Done

Lay me down on a bed of stone. I will wait for you as I rest my soul. )

[info]capodalina in [info]savingthegames

In the days leading up to Vanessa Castillo's funeral, Adalina Schellenger said a lot of things to a lot of media outlets, but one thing she did not publicly share was the communication between Forever Human's attorney and the deceased officer's family. They would pay for any incidental expenses that the NWPD doesn't cover, if the family was willing.

On the day of the funeral, Adalina made sure that the floral sprays she sent were far and away the prettiest ones. A quick visit to the florist by a pair of her men ensured as much (and at an absolute steal to boot), and no, that sort of thing was not beneath her, even if the only people who knew the arrangements had come from her were Castillo's family. The sympathy card delivered with them was presumably hand-written by Adalina herself.

She attended the funeral in a smart black dress and a face as serious as a heart attack. And a bodyguard.

[OOC Note: There won't be an 'official' funeral thread, and I'm not sure when exactly the funeral would have happened, but feel free to post here if your character would have attended!]