Dec. 24th, 2015


To: Rae ([info]speedforce)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Dragon Age
Characters: Varric Tethras & references to Bianca
Summary: I remembered that DA2 mentioned that there’s a song/poem about Bianca the crossbow. I figured after DA:I, the song would probably really be about Bianca the star-crossed love interest, and well, here we are. Sorry for the schmaltz?
Warnings/Rating: Mostly PG

The first time Varric Tethras wrote about her was when he was fifteen. )

Dec. 22nd, 2015


To: Cat ([info]chelseamorning)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Dragon Age
Characters: Solas/Inquisitor
Summary: Three loosely related drabbles, pre-Trespasser.
Warnings/Rating: Tame, some innuendo.

There she was, holding a bowl of soup and looking like she'd wandered in accidentally. )

Dec. 21st, 2014


To: Sonia ([info]tansaku)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Dragon Age 2
Characters: Fenris, Merrill.
Summary: According to Varric, in DA:I Fenris is fighting Tevinter slavers preying on refugees, and Merrill is protecting the elven refugees in Kirkwall. With that in mind, I give you: the awkward alliance! Oh, and the word "tael" comes from here, because I couldn't find a good word for "apprentice" in the DA wiki.
Warnings/Rating: Short fight sequence, brief description of blood at the beginning.

Snow never came to Kirkwall in the winter, just cold, sleet-like rain. )