December 23rd, 2015

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Heather ([info]gwenog)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: MCU (pre-Civil War trailer)
Characters: Steve Rogers & Friends
Summary: It's Christmastime again, but Steve's not really in the mood to celebrate.
Warnings/Rating: Gen

It didn't feel like Christmastime. )

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Hayley ([info]girlnumber20)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Harry Potter
Characters: Susan Bones & Fellow Hufflepuffs
Summary: Susan does her best to bring Hannah a little Hufflepuff joy, the Christmas she needs it the most.
Warnings/Rating: G

Susan Bones couldn’t help but think that something was missing from the common room Christmas this year. )