December 24th, 2015

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Cairo ([info]czolgosz)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Invol
Characters: Ted Hackett (with hints of Coralie, Silje, Hugo, and an OC)
Summary: It's happened once before in Ted's mind, but now, it's for real.
Warnings/Rating: R; it's about Ted and I wrote it for you, so it's weird and kinky. Other people, beware?

They sent me to offer you a holiday. Yes or no? )

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Allison ([info]sandinista)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Check Please!
Characters: Shitty, Bitty, Jack, Lardo, appearances by some others
Summary: “On the shelves, sweaty athletes stare them down from the glossy covers of coffee table books.”
Warnings/Rating: Dirty language

I was really into the idea of challenging the meaning of masculinity in a machismo-dominated subculture like collegiate sports. )

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Rae ([info]speedforce)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Dragon Age
Characters: Varric Tethras & references to Bianca
Summary: I remembered that DA2 mentioned that there’s a song/poem about Bianca the crossbow. I figured after DA:I, the song would probably really be about Bianca the star-crossed love interest, and well, here we are. Sorry for the schmaltz?
Warnings/Rating: Mostly PG

The first time Varric Tethras wrote about her was when he was fifteen. )

[info]igpayatinlay in [info]santaexchange

To: Jillian ([info]acejillian)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: [info]spyschoolmods, set an undefined number of years in the future
Characters: Ezra Rifaat and Aldous Smith
Summary: Spy vs. Spy on a made-up Middle-Eastern island nation.
Warnings/Rating: I’d call it a hard R/soft NC-17. For sex, duh. Also some implied religious extremism and related nastiness, but it’s not the focus of the story.

Ezra’s eyes watered in the full force of the Mediterranean sun as he stumbled down the stair car of the Emir’s private jet. )