Dec. 26th, 2015


For everyone who is curious about your "mystery" Santas (or other Santas, since I think quite a few of you were able to spot your own), I present to you the 2015 Masterlist Reveal )

Thanks again to everyone who participated! ♥ You guys are awesome and I had a lot of fun setting this up and reading the stories. If there's interest for next year, I will make another call for participants -- if you're interested, should I start signups the week before Thanksgiving, or the week of? Is more time better, or did we all wait until the last 1-3 days before deadline to start writing, anyhow (I did, LOL!)?

Happy New Year, may 2016 be a wonderful year for you all!

Dec. 25th, 2015


Okay friendlies, that's it for this year's fic! ♥ Thank you all for the wonderful stories you wrote on shorter notice -- we needed not a single pinch hitter, guys, which I think shows how boss we are, and how much we care about our friends, which is the best gift of all (cue sappy music).

Merry Christmas to everyone if you're celebrating, Happy December 25th if you're not! You still have a bit of time left to go about and leave nice comments for mystery authors before the masterlist reveal of authors, which I will do on the afternoon/evening of the 26th. Someone start a secret pool for who can guess the most authors correctly in the mean time! ;)
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Dec. 9th, 2015


Sign-ups are now closed and all assignments have been sent out. Please email back to accept your assignment (or request a different one if you don't think you can fulfill the one you've received!), and send in gifts before the 20th! ♥
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Dec. 7th, 2015


Sign ups are OPEN, through December 8th! Stories are due before (and posting will begin on) December 20th. Anyone may join the asylum or add it to your friends list, whether you participate as a Santa or just want to read some nice fics this holiday season! :)
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