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Dec. 21st, 2015


To: Cairo ([info]czolgosz)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Colosseum
Characters: Maizy, Peregrine, Stella, a Surprise Guest, and of course Rake
Summary: Victory Tour of the 59th Games, Rake Rivers and all of his women.
Warnings/Rating: I'd say that a bit of it is adult but not explicit?

I Can't Help But... )

Dec. 21st, 2014


To: Sonia ([info]tansaku)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Dragon Age 2
Characters: Fenris, Merrill.
Summary: According to Varric, in DA:I Fenris is fighting Tevinter slavers preying on refugees, and Merrill is protecting the elven refugees in Kirkwall. With that in mind, I give you: the awkward alliance! Oh, and the word "tael" comes from here, because I couldn't find a good word for "apprentice" in the DA wiki.
Warnings/Rating: Short fight sequence, brief description of blood at the beginning.

Snow never came to Kirkwall in the winter, just cold, sleet-like rain. )

Dec. 20th, 2014


To: Rae ([info]speedforce)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Mass Effect
Characters: Commander Shepard, Garrus Vakarian.
Summary: There's a few perks to saving a galaxy.
Warnings/Rating: Some innuendo, otherwise tame.

The house on Sanves is an impulsive purchase months in the imagining. )


To: MEEEEEE ([info]igpayatinlay)
From: Santa (next year I need a co-maintainer so we dunno who wrote for us, even though I love my Santa ♥)
Fandom/Game: Harry Potter
Characters: Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny
Summary: Ron buys Hermione the best Christmas present ever!!!
Warnings/Rating: PG

For once, Ron decides that he’s going to plan ahead of time for Christmas. )


To: Elisa ([info]gainsborough)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Hunger Games/[info]colosseumodds
Characters: Pecan, Marcus, Haymitch, Beetee, Lorcan (the dog, not the person)
Summary: The curious incident of the dog in the Capitol.
Warnings/Rating: PG

Who's on the top floor of the Training Center? I am! )


To: Cat ([info]chelseamorning)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Sindicate/The Lizzie Bennet Diaries crossover.
Characters: Marilyn Li, William Darcy, and Lizzie Bennet.
Summary: After Marilyn Li gets her groove back up in Sentinel City, she decides to start a new leg of her practice in San Francisco. Business is rough, so when some fancy media exec walks into her offices worried about his girlfriend, she takes the case. I mean, having your own office ain’t cheap, fella.
Warnings/Rating: Beware of cavities and dangerous characterization by third parties, but little else.

It’s a hat she’s trying out, San Francisco, and Marilyn smooths the hem of her trench coat as she pulls up to the new office )


To: Chelsie ([info]omystarling)
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Harry Potter
Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna Lovegood
Summary: Two unrelated drabbles -- the first one is about Bellatrix and the second is about Luna. Happy holidays!
Warnings/Rating: PG-13

I am, I am, I am. )

There is no gate, no lock, no bolt )


To: Kati [info]rainbowling
From: Santa
Fandom/Game: Veronica Mars
Characters: Primarily Veronica, Weevil, and Vinnie
Summary: Friends bail friends out of trouble, as usual.
Warnings/Rating: None, except for the author’s dubious grasp on law

I saw someone interesting getting taken into the holding cells today. )

Dec. 9th, 2015


Sign-ups are now closed and all assignments have been sent out. Please email back to accept your assignment (or request a different one if you don't think you can fulfill the one you've received!), and send in gifts before the 20th! ♥
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Dec. 7th, 2015


Sign ups are OPEN, through December 8th! Stories are due before (and posting will begin on) December 20th. Anyone may join the asylum or add it to your friends list, whether you participate as a Santa or just want to read some nice fics this holiday season! :)
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