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Mar. 23rd, 2010


WHO: Emma Coolidge and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Peter returns to the Safe Zone.
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: Their apartment
STATUS: In Progress

It was supposed to be a happy time. )

Mar. 20th, 2010


WHO: Castiel, Charlie Hanson, and Bobby Hanson (NPC)
WHAT: Charlie and Castiel finally meet face to face.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: Central Park
STATUS: In Progress

There were some people who found his unflinching attention to be too much to handle. Charlie wasn't one of those people. )

Mar. 19th, 2010


WHO: Emma Coolidge and Gabriel "Sylar" Gray; possible appearance by Noah Gray
WHAT: Sylar makes an unexpected discovery and Emma learns something new.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Apartment #405b
STATUS: In Progress

Emma had spent most of the day in bed. )

Mar. 17th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Luke Campbell [and plus refugees]
WHAT: Sylar is sent out to scout key locations for survivors
WHERE: DC and surrounding areas
WHEN: Backdated; February
STATUS: In Progress

The orders weren't unusual. But he never expected to be sent quite that far. DC was a ghost town, or more aptly put zombie town, and everyone knew that, so actually traveling to the nation's former capital and surrounding areas to scout for survivors was something that hadn't occurred to him. In fact, it hadn't occurred to anyone until they had received a brief and static laden message of five simple words that seemed to be originating out of the area. 'Help us. We're all alone' were the only words that they were able to hear before the line died, connection severed by something unknown, but that was all that it took for Lauren to come and find him and shove the order into his hand.

Potential survivors near the capital. Recovery risky but imperative.

From there, it was a simple trip back to his apartment. Dropping Noah off at Emma's, Sylar headed back to the main room and waited, sitting at the table until Luke returned him from the classes that he seemed to be loathed to take. At least now he'd be getting a break.

"So. How's a trip to DC sound?"

Feb. 9th, 2010


WHO: George Lass
WHAT: Her first reap in the Safe Zone.
WHEN: Just before noon.
WHERE: The Welcome Center the Chelsea Hotel
RATING: PG-13 (mentions of NPC!death and disturbing themes)
STATUS: Complete

someone was about to die )

Jan. 30th, 2010


WHO: Billy Henderson and Claire Bennet
WHAT: Taking a much-needed break from research.
WHEN: Around 3PM
WHERE: The lab the snow outside
STATUS: In Progress

Get your coat. We're going out. )

Jan. 29th, 2010


WHO: Charlie McGee
WHAT: A random encounter with zombies leads to a startling revelation.
WHEN: Early morning
WHERE: Just north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
RATING: PG-13 (language and violence)
STATUS: Complete; narrative

her plan was derailed when she woke to the sounds of someone screaming )

Jan. 27th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray, Molly Walker, Noah Gray, and Mattie Parkman (NPC)
WHAT: Molly has a hunch how to calm down a fussy Mattie.
WHEN: Mid-afternoon
WHERE: Apartment #406b
STATUS: In Progress

She had been tracking Sylar's location for several days... )

Jan. 25th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray & Luke Campbell
WHAT: Recovery of supplies and survivors at Trenton yields some surprising results.
WHEN: After this
WHERE: Trenton, NJ Safe Zone
RATING: PG-13 [possible mouthing off and violence]
STATUS: In Progress

Running errands for the 'good guys' wasn't something that he'd ever really pictured himself doing again. )

Jan. 23rd, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray, Noah Gray, & Emma Coolidge
WHAT: Gabriel goes to retrieve his son.
WHERE: Peter & Emma's apartment
WHEN: After this
STATUS: In Progress

It had taken him awhile to work up the courage to actually do this. )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


WHO: Claire Bennet and Peter Petrelli
WHAT: Claire tells Peter about Nathan.
WHEN: Not long after this.
WHERE: Peter and Emma's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

Claire wished more than anything that she didn't have to tell him. )


WHO: Mindy Macready (Hit-Girl) and Dean Winchester
WHAT: Fighting zombies!
WHEN: Around midnight
WHERE: Near the northern border of the Safe Zone
RATING: R (violence and language)
STATUS: In Progress

she jumped through the appropriate hoops, smiled sweetly and did her best to seem as nonthreatening as possible )

Jan. 21st, 2010


WHO: Matt Parkman, Molly Walker, and Mattie Parkman (NPC)
WHAT: Molly and the real Matt have a discussion.
WHEN: Early evening
WHERE: Their apartment
STATUS: In Progress

Mattie was being fussy. )

Jan. 20th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [Nathan Petrelli] & OPEN (to Claire Bennet, Mohinder Suresh, & Billy Henderson)
WHAT: Science is just another name for man-made miracles.
WHERE: The Research Facility
WHEN: the morning after this
STATUS: In Progress

Clothing was torn and ripped, the suit that he had once been wearing falling away from his body where it had been pawed and grasped by the zombie hoards. )

Jan. 19th, 2010


WHO: Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [& Nathan Petrelli]
WHAT: Internal battles are never quite this complicated when there's only one person involved
WHERE: Petrelli Mansion → Store-It-Here
WHEN: immediately after this
STATUS: Narrative; Complete.

'What do you want?' )

Jan. 18th, 2010


WHO: Cordelia Chase and Castiel
WHAT: The Seer and the angel have a little chat.
WHEN: Not long after this, in relation to this.
WHERE: Cordelia and Wesley's apartment
STATUS: In Progress

It had been over a day since Cordelia had been bitten by the zombie. )

Jan. 15th, 2010


WHO: Matt Parkman [Mind!Sylar] & Gabriel "Sylar" Gray [Nathan Petrelli]
WHAT: Sylar gets his body back.
WHERE: Outside the Government Building
WHEN: Mid-Afternoon
STATUS: Narrative; Complete

Getting Nathan to agree to speak to him hadn't been a difficult task. Finding a time in the day where he could get away had been far more complicated. )


WHO: Cordelia Chase
WHAT: Impromptu patrolling leads to dire consequences.
WHEN: Late night - around 11pm
WHERE: Outskirts of the Safe Zone (east entrance)
RATING: PG-13ish (mild violence and one bad word)
STATUS: Complete; narrative

At first it was peaceful. )

Jan. 14th, 2010


WHO: Noah Bennet and Lauren Gilmore
WHAT: Lauren comes clean about her past.
WHEN: Sometime after this.
WHERE: Their apartment
STATUS: In Progress

Her past was just that. In the past. )

Jan. 11th, 2010


WHO: Molly Walker and Matt Parkman (Mind!Sylar)
WHAT: A much needed discussion.
WHEN: About an hour after this.
WHERE: Apartment #404b
STATUS: In Progress

This was it. It was now or never. )

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