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[21 Mar 2008|02:07am]

Sierra Sun Apartments are Los Angeles's most stylish, new luxury apartment rental residence. Located minutes from Sunset Blvd, these stunning contemporary apartments offer the sophisticated Southern Californian a superb selection of a spacious, high-tech designer home, luxurious hotel-style services and amenities, condominium-quality features and finishes, plus the convenience of all of downtown LA within moments by car or foot. We know you expect a high level of comfort when you live at Sierra Sun Apartments. That's why we take such pride in providing a residence you'll love to call home.

Rules TakenApplication

→ Adds done often
→ Anyone is welcome, very open community.
→ Brand new so there's LOTS of room.
→ Two dedicated and inspired mods at your beckon call
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Toffs! [21 Mar 2008|09:54am]

Peace? In our labyrinthine wizarding world? Well, honestly, I didn't think it was possible. It seemed rather preposterous, even after his sensational defeat. Oh, I can barely remember what it felt like when we received the news. We heard it on our wireless right before we sat down for supper. He was gone, his enthusiasts were gone, but tragically: so were a lot of the people we knew. ( ... )

It is the year 2022. Another generation is at Hogwarts, and their time there has been considerably less dramatic than Harry's. However, things aren't as perfect as they first appear.

toffs: premise - rules - characters - apply

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[21 Mar 2008|10:20am]
love the Winchester boys?Want one for your very own

At [info]winchester_r_us,you can have your very own winchester,your way!

Thats right,your way!
want a vampire!dean?done!
Shirtless werewolf!dean more your cup of tea?
Come on in!

Our workers work round the clock to make sure your winchester(or winchester related person)is to your liking.

All first timers get a free john winchester,thats right FREE john winchester!

So come on down to [info]winchester_r_ustoday!

And while your there,why not visit [info]boca_inferno?
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[21 Mar 2008|01:17pm]

Character List | Taken PBs | Rules | Application

Just For Kicks is a trio-era Harry Potter RPG starting today! We're a place to kick back (pun intended) and just play! Right now we're looking for a Marietta Edgecombe to betray the DA next month as well as one Roonil Wazlib to complete our Trio! See [info]kickme for more details!
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[21 Mar 2008|02:10pm]

A Gathering of Shadows
( tentative opening scheduled at 04.16.08 )

the game
player directory


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

--The Oath of the Night's Watch, A Game of Thrones

The War of the Five Kings and its subsequent aftermath saw to Prince Tommen Baratheon, in all his youthful pliability, being crowned the rightful King. Meanwhile, Daenerys 'Stormborn' Targaryen from across the Narrow Sea dissolved the unrest in Slaver's Bay and prepared to make true her long awaited ambitions to sail into Westeros. It was not long before the news spilled into Westeros, whether by ravens or by spies and messengers. The mysteries surrounding the identity of Robb's heir notwithstanding, fealties were sworn and allegiances shifted as the West scurried to side with either the House Baratheon or the House Targaryen in anticipation of the Great War That Never Happened. Indeed, the Stags and the Dragons had been a blade's length away from the first blood spilt when the Wall gave. In spite of the fierce efforts by the Night's Watch, under the joint command of Lord Commander Jon Snow and Lord Stannis Baratheon, to keep the Others--and wights--at bay, it was simply not enough. Even as Wildlings lent reinforcements for the Watch, those who had been quick to dismiss the threats from the north soon learned that the Starks' warnings of old had not merely been fanciful tales as originally believed.

A temporary truce was declared by all sides of the impending battle for the throne, and the Others were once more driven back by the combined forces of men and dragons. The war that was placed on hold was reignited with barely a moment to breathe, the first strike hitting hard and fast for those still reeling from the War of the Frozen North. For them, the story was just beginning . . .

( It is now 908 AL. )

A Gathering of Shadows is a role play game based on the world depicted in George R. R. Martin's epic series A Song of Ice and Fire. This community is made for non-profit entertainment purposes only. We are not affiliated with the venerated Mr Martin, the official franchise or to any persons or creatures hereby portrayed.

All copyrights belong to their respective owners, mostly to G. R. R. Martin, Bantam Books and Voyager Books.

Promotional graphics property of Lesiëm's Mystic, Spirit Voices album art.

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[21 Mar 2008|02:48pm]


2055: The Rebirth of Erebus.

The offspring of Chaos. A part of Hades. The personification of darkness and shadow, which filled in all the corners and crannies of the world.

Can the human race survive the overthrow of Hades and his minions from the underworld? A world where vampires, lycans and demons stroll the vacated city streets like normal people, and humans cower in fear of being discovered. Can a handful of God’s warriors save the earth from total destruction? In a world where evils control night and day, and the things of human dreams, such as elves and necromancers come to life, how is survival possible? Is there any good left in the world?

About || Rules & Application || Demons
Vampires || Werewolves || The Human Race
Other Characters || The Land || Moderator’s Journal
Taken || Held || Wanted
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That Jazz - 20s AU RPF [21 Mar 2008|03:49pm]
The Fury

Premise || Characters || Apply || Rules

September 1926, Towertown, Chicago. It's raining, sheets of heavy droplets picked out milky white in the flickering shimmer of the streetlamps. You know, there are folk who believe streetlighting encourages immorality? I guess it depends on your interpretation of immorality, but around here, there's enough evidence they could be right.

Somewhere over the other side of town, a police siren wails like a spoiled brat. They don't come this side of town. We're up on our payments; the boss takes care of that.

It rains a lot here. Gets down your collar, settles cold and heavy on your neck, splashes up to soil your spats, doesn't do a damn thing to clean things up. We're dirty through and through, down to the soul, and I like it that way. This is the world I live in.

Welcome to The Fury.

Gameplay begins March 2008
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[21 Mar 2008|06:39pm]

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have twice defied him ... born in midwinter ... and the Dark Lord will mark him, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

Operation Redo
Characters | How To Join | Contact the Mods | The Story So Far
We have moved to InsaneJournal!
Current Player Count: 16 // Current Character Count: 31

Come play with us!

Operation Redo is an AU Harry Potter game that combines the Trio and Marauders eras by sending twelve students from the books into the past. We've been around since 2004, but now that there won't be any more new canon to throw us for a loop, we've decided to start over with a clean slate. Therefore, we have many characters up for adoption (see below). The game is het/slash/femslash/adult content friendly, though we concentrate on plot rather than 'ships.

( Detailed Premise )

Needed Characters:

Frank & Alice Longbottom! )
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[21 Mar 2008|07:08pm]
welcome to the multiverse
all roads space-time continuums lead to here.
game info | rules | characters | application

Whether your character just suddenly meandered into town while roadtripping, flew in for a connecting flight elsewhere, or just suddenly woke up in a bed that wasn't there own... there's no leaving here. Where is here? Nowhere you've ever been before. The name will always escape you, but you aren't ever escaping. Try to leave all you want, all roads circle back. You can cue the Twilight Zone music if you want, but you're not leaving and that's just facts. It's NYC, LA, New Orleans, Paris, London, all wrapped into one, and while it's got anything you might need, it doesn't have the one thing you're going to want: an exit.

[info]multiverses is a pan-fandom game set in a nameless city on what your character can assume is Earth. Whatever the reason, however the means, your character is stuck. They better get used to it. We're brand-new with tons of fandoms and characters available, so pick up your favorite characters today!
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[21 Mar 2008|08:05pm]

Entirely convinced that the protection of Magical blood is essential to the further existence of the Magical populous of the United Kingdom, and inspired by the uncompromising determination to safeguard the future of the United Kingdom's Magical citizens, the Ministry of Magic has unanimously resolved upon the following law, which is promulgated herewith:

By Order of Gawain Robards, the Minister of Magic, all witches and wizards must report immediately to the Ministry of Magic to register their Blood Status. Those failing to comply will be assumed traitors to the British Ministry and promptly arrested, stripped of all titles and accolades, sentenced to ten days in Azkaban and thereafter released under watch by the Magical Blood Protection Department for a time of one year, wherein they will be brought to trial to reassess their loyalties.


mod contact Information: eminormacula@gmail.com

We are looking for Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minerva McGonagall, members of the Order including Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie Weasley, former Death Eaters, including Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, writers for the Daily Prophet, rebels, Purebloods, Muggleborns, Half-Bloods, Ministry employees, loyalists and many more. If they are canon, we want them - even Verity, the clerk at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. We are only accepting living, canon characters as of Deathly Hallows, pre-epilogue.


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