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Thursday, April 15th, 2010

    Time Event

    Jekyll and Hyde Hotel: Multi-Fandom RPG
    "Make Yourself At Home"

    Something went wrong. Or perhaps it didnt, perhaps it went precisely as you planned. Either way, you're dead. At least, you should be. But it's quite curious how you awaken and can feel wet grass under your fingertips, smell the freshly cut hedges and taste the clean flavor of dew in the air. The dance of rushing water reaches your ears and you breathe in... yes, you certainly are breathing. You're breathing, your heart is pounding against your rib cage, and you feel very much alive...
    But you are dead.
    Before you stands a magnificent and grand fountain, the sparkling reflection of the building past it seems more lively than the building itself. As you stand you can see the vast greenery of hedges, gardens, fountains, as far as the eye can reach. It seems peaceful here and yet, somehow, in the back of your mind, you know that there's so much more below the surface. And you know it's not near your time to leave.
    Welcome to the Jekyll and Hyde Hotel. Where, by day, you live in paradise. And, by night, all you can do is fight your way through hell and back to see the next morning again.

    Jekyll and Hyde Hotel is an Multi-Fandom based horror RPG looking for experienced writers to join the fun! We open after having at least three more applications from any fandom of your choice. For any questions that you don't find already answered in the rules section, please feel free to email us at!

    |Jekyll and Hyde Hotel RPG|Jekyll Hyde OOC|Jekyll Hyde Rules|



    Up the rocky coast of Maine lies the sleepy community of North Bay. It looks just like any other fisherman’s town from the outside except for the fact that it’s guarding a dark, dangerous secret. Most of the population has no idea that they are special or any different and they go about their daily lives unaware of the magic that surrounds them. That’s because many of the inhabitants of North Bay are creatures from legend or myth such as vampires, werewolves, faeries, angels and demons just to name a few. They run businesses, have houses and many are normal functioning members of society. However there is always darkness looming around every corner, especially in a community where the supernatural run amok. In the battle between good and evil whose side will you join?

    Game Start is currently TBA! Stay Tuned!










    You can’t remember how you heard of this place, yet, here you are. You can remember where you came from. Maybe you’ve come to escape. Maybe you’re running from your past, your enemies, your friends, or maybe even yourself. Maybe you just want a new chance, a new life, a change of pace. Maybe you didn’t come for yourself. You came for your family, for your significant other. Maybe you came to find someone you have lost.

    Maybe you didn’t come here on your own at all, and someone else brought you here. Perhaps for your own good, or maybe just to get rid of you. Maybe they want to try and change you, for better or worse. Maybe you came from a different time, place, or existence, and when the offer was given to come here, you couldn’t say no. Perhaps you were given a new lease on life, literally, a chance to do it all again. To do it all right.

    No matter the reason, you are here all the same.
    This place seems true to its name. Low rates of crime. Pleasant weather, beautiful landscapes and architecture. Starvation, unwanted unemployment, homelessness, war; all of these are virtual unknowns here. You can build a whole new life, if you want to.

    To get in, you had to go through an interview with a man that called himself only ‘The Doctor’. He doesn’t expect money, or payment, or some kind of incentive for accepting you. All you have to do is listen.

    And you find yourself listening. Perhaps enraptured, perhaps skeptical, perhaps hopeful. Perhaps impatiently or against your will. But you listen all the same.

    This ‘Doctor’ offers you wonderful, fantastical things: a path back into life when you are long dead; an existence you couldn’t have in the place you came from; ways to make yourself a new existence from the body you once had; to heal you; to bring you back to your best age; to let you start over.

    Or even to make you forget.

    Some part of it tempts you. Your curiosity might get the better of you, or your need for a change. Your need to forget. Maybe all of it tempts you. This place is so different from where you have come. A chance to live life again, to live a life you never could have had without this place. A chance to turn back from your past and start anew.

    He slides the paper towards you, and it states in clear, no uncertain terms, that there are rules to this place. They don’t seem to like much to ask to some, but to others, these rules might be detrimental, or even terrifying.

    Many have walked away from those rules, unbelieving that this man could do any of the things he promises. Unbelieving that this could ever change anything, or that things would ever be better.

    But you didn’t.

    You read the rules, you weighed your options. You knew that signing this document might not be the best plan, but whatever your motivation, you sign your name at the bottom. Maybe you signed it almost instantly. Perhaps you took it with you home, to dissect it, try to find the loophole. Maybe someone signed it for you, forcing you to this fate. Perhaps you had no choice but to sign, unless you wanted to return to the place you already knew, or perhaps even to your grave. Maybe you signed it, fully intending to break the rules the first chance you got.

    But eventually, you took that pen and signed that paper, for better or worse.

    And that is where your journey begins.

    Welcome to Harmony; a newly reworked, year-running panfandom RPG. Where you are given the chance to relive, relearn; realize the dreams you could never reach. In Harmony, not everything is what it seems.

    But don't worry – you can leave at any time.

    We are currently accepting applications for the game's changeover on April 11th.
    Ridgeway Resort
    Have you ever been sitting in front of your television, or in a movie theater, wondering what it would be like to meet the people flickering over the screen?

    In the lush surroundings Ridgeway valley we make your dreams come true!

    Come down to Ridgeway Resort, where you can see all your favorite characters in person! And go home feeling all warm and fuzzy inside with memories that will last a life time.
    We're a new asylum that brings original characters together with cannon characters, this is a panfandom RP. The only restrictions on the 'OC' are the play bys. We can't have our cannon characters running into themselves, it would be weird, and might send them to the medic because of a major freak out. We can't have that. Not that we don't welcome weird moments, we love those! But that would be just a little too much... If you enjoy the experience and want to become a permanent, you're welcome to apply for one of the cannon characters that are not taken. Any Fandoms are welcome, we simply ask for a fleshy play by rather than a cartoony or 3dish sort, just to keep the players around you comfortable... I don't know about you but I think Jacob Black would feel weird about standing in front of a cartoon strawberry shortcake.

    Unfinished Tales

    Welcome to Unfinished Tales, the stories of the fourth age of Men. The shadow of Sauron has fallen, and the peoples of Middle-Earth pick up the pieces. An unknown darkness rises in the East and to combat this darkness the Halls of Mandos have opened letting out heroes with no memory of evil times. The elves who were to depart into the West postpone their journeys to help the Men who struggle with long-sleeping evils. This is the day to shine a light into the encroaching darkness - and age for strength and for glory. Will you not rise to determine the fate of Middle-Earth?

    Unfinished Tales is a Tolkien-based game set after the War of the Ring. We aim to further the tales at the end of The Return of the King as well as in the Fourth Age through the use of journals and AOL instant messenger chat. The quest for excellent roleplaying and a friendly community in the Tolkien fandom is one that never ends.

    Join us!

    Arwen, Gandalf
    Faramir, Gimli, Elrond, Elladan, Celebrian, Celeborn, Finarfin, Fingolfin, Aegnor, Angrod, Gil-Galad, Thingol, Melian, Beor, Brodda, Eomund, Finduilas, Huor, Hurin, Theoden, Tuor, Gollum and many more!

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    Dark Obsidian

    The RPG



    Area Info
    Welcome to Obsidian City where the sun never shines, the crime never sleeps and love never dies.

    A dark city in all sense of the word, Obsidian City is lucky to see one day of sunshine. If the city is dark at night, it isn't much better during the day. Too much smog and cloud blocks out the half decent light that struggles in between the skyscrapers. People make do though, possibly a little angrier than those who live under the undivided sun, a little more miserable, a little more hopeless. This is no city for the weak, and it certainly isn't a tourist hot-spot.

    Obsidian City was never a shining city on the hill, it was built and born as if already crumbling down. Beneath the heavy, dark clouds that rarely seem to let up, lies a sprawling mecca of theft, corruption and greed. It really is no wonder that in such sunlight starved streets, there is little light to be had in the city’s inhabitants. Each jewel-named district hardly lives up to its name: The Ruby District, a self-sufficient community of its own, ruled by whores, who are the law. The rich are safely tucked away in The Onyx Towers, far from their poorer brethren, the utterly impoverished who languish in the Ivory Narrows.

    Outside of The Ruby District, where the only laws are their laws, it is not the oft corrupt and always under funded police force that holds the most sway in the run of Obsidian City. No, the city is divided up and controlled by three major crime families, in close environs that seem to speak of a constant threat of war between two or more of the ruling families.

    The Russians led by the Petrovskii Family, from their base of operations, Duma, an upscale nightclub known for its beautiful women and for the illegal deals made in dark back rooms, lord over the Diamond District. The Irish led by the O'Donnell Family, from the Irish pub that the first O'Donnell to come to America founded, long ago, loud and busy and full of their history, control the Emerald District. The Italians led by the Pavoni Family, from their Italian family restaurant in the center of the Topaz district, and come with as much flourish and ceremony in both their illegal deeds and their lifestyle.

    The Families are not the only ones that the populace should fear, as there have been recent whispers that there is a serial killer preying upon the inhabitants of the city, lurking in the shadows and bringing death with them.

    GAME IS OPEN. Join Today!

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