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Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

    Time Event






    Welcome to Harmony. It’s a lovely place, clear blue skies and attractive buildings. It’s funny, but even though all you can remember is this place, it feels like you’ve never been here before.

    Why does it feel that way? Well, probably because it’s true. Sssh, don’t tell; this is a giant experiment, one you can’t get out of. We care about you here in Harmony, and you’re very important to us. We hand picked you from your world, because there was just something about you. We know you will be helpful.

    It’s important that you feel at home. Almost like you’re not in an experiment at all. So we’re going to give you a new set of family, friends, and memories. Because, don’t forget – we care about you. We want you to feel at home, seeing as from now on, this is your home.
    So here’s the gist – your character was plucked from their world, and brought to this one. It’s unclear if it’s an alternate dimension or even a different planet. The place has similar atmosphere and appearances as Earth, but how would you ever know if it was or not? From there, something happened to their memory. It’s not clear how that happened, either. All you know is there is a little scar, on your neck, right below your hairline. Maybe you had it before. Or maybe, it has nothing to do with your memory. You have no idea.

    After you were brought here, and your memory erased, a new one was implanted. Some got a new brother or sister, some got new friends, and some even got new spouses or fiancés. It’s weird, really. You feel like you know them so well, and at the same time, like you don’t know them at all. You have a job, and a place to live. You have a memory of going to school at Harmony High, and parents that have died peacefully. You remember every aspect of this place, because after all, you’ve lived here since you were born.

    In addition to all that, from time to time, you’ll get a call from the Doctor’s office. You’ll come in, they’ll give you a supposedly harmless shot, and you’ll be on your way. Strange thing is you’ll start to feel really different after you get that shot.

    Is it the shot? Or is it something inside you?

    Welcome to Harmony, an AU Panfandom RPG. We're so happy to have you here.

    Especially looking for male and highschool-aged characters!
    X-2012, an x-game with a twist
    The world was reborn
    It was just over a year ago that a solar flare activated the X-gene and created mutants. Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr opened the Xavier Haven for these newly gifted individuals, but found themselves facing more challenges than they anticipated. A mutant riot pushed Senator Kelly's Mutant Registration Bill through Congress, Project Sentinel has launched, and the rogue mutant Sabretooth is attacking his own kind. The X-Men and Acolytes are both recruiting, what will you do in this new world? Join us and help build the future!

    Wanted: Anole, Banshee, Boom Boom, Chamber, Deadpool, Iceman, Jubilee, Lady Deathstrike, Morph, Nightcrawler, Storm, Sunspot, more X-Men, Acolytes and OCs

    [info]x_mod | [info]x_2012 | [info]ooc_2012
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    Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome
    Salem Academy

    Welcome to Salem Academy, America's premier school for witches and wizards. The past term has had its ups and down. Between dances, quodpot, and a unique curriculum, students have their hands full. They have plenty to focus on in within the safety of school walls.

    But maybe those walls aren't so safe. How else could someone have managed to sneak onto campus and severely wound the headmaster? Who is this group claiming to want to reveal witches and wizards to the world? Why are none of the wizarding papers covering the news, only the muggle ones? Just how much more safety will be breached, and what lengths will people go to keep this quiet? Or worse, to make themselves be heard?


    A Seriously AU Celebrity RPG

    Welcome to [info]infanticipating, an alternate universe (AU) role-play game (RPG). Pick a celebrity you wish to play that isn't already TAKEN, apply and have fun! Original characters are welcome as well.

    Go over THE RULES and THE PREMISE to see if this RPG is for you.

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