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Tuesday, November 10th, 2009

    Time Event






    Welcome to Harmony. It’s a lovely place, clear blue skies and attractive buildings. It’s funny, but even though all you can remember is this place, it feels like you’ve never been here before.

    Why does it feel that way? Well, probably because it’s true. Sssh, don’t tell; this is a giant experiment, one you can’t get out of. We care about you here in Harmony, and you’re very important to us. We hand picked you from your world, because there was just something about you. We know you will be helpful.

    It’s important that you feel at home. Almost like you’re not in an experiment at all. So we’re going to give you a new set of family, friends, and memories. Because, don’t forget – we care about you. We want you to feel at home, seeing as from now on, this is your home.
    So here’s the gist – your character was plucked from their world, and brought to this one. It’s unclear if it’s an alternate dimension or even a different planet. The place has similar atmosphere and appearances as Earth, but how would you ever know if it was or not? From there, something happened to their memory. It’s not clear how that happened, either. All you know is there is a little scar, on your neck, right below your hairline. Maybe you had it before. Or maybe, it has nothing to do with your memory. You have no idea.

    After you were brought here, and your memory erased, a new one was implanted. Some got a new brother or sister, some got new friends, and some even got new spouses or fiancés. It’s weird, really. You feel like you know them so well, and at the same time, like you don’t know them at all. You have a job, and a place to live. You have a memory of going to school at Harmony High, and parents that have died peacefully. You remember every aspect of this place, because after all, you’ve lived here since you were born.

    In addition to all that, from time to time, you’ll get a call from the Doctor’s office. You’ll come in, they’ll give you a supposedly harmless shot, and you’ll be on your way. Strange thing is you’ll start to feel really different after you get that shot.

    Is it the shot? Or is it something inside you?

    Welcome to Harmony, an AU Panfandom RPG. We're so happy to have you here.
    Dark Mark Rising
    Danger is lurking right around the corner
    Dark Mark Rising is an adult marauder's era RPG with dark themes and opposing forces.

    Wanted: RITA SKEETER, MARLENE MCKINNON, Prewett Twins, Dolores Umbridge, Mafalda Hopkirk, Florean Fortescue, Otto Bagman, Mundungus Fletcher, Dirk Cresswell, Amos Diggory, Mulciber, Barnabus Cuffe, OCs
    About the Game
    Is that darkness, or is that hope?
    The year is 1976, and the marauders have entered their sixth year. There has been talk in pureblood families of a 'Dark Lord', a man who's sole interest is purifying the wizarding world of muggles and muggleborns. He has enlisted the help of Hogwarts students, staff, and men living in Hogsmeade. With these minions, Lord Voldemort has already attacked many muggleborns, blood traitors, and Hogwarts. With the increasing attacks on Hogwarts, Headmaster Dumbledore has been given few options. After a muggleborn's death, the Headmaster has decided to lock the school. The Ministry of Magic has sent Hogwarts four aurors to help protect students and screen mail. No one gets in, and no one gets out. For now, Hogwarts has been at a lull - but how long will it last? Many students believe the attacks are coming from within Hogwarts, and fear the worst.

    What are the students to do? Headmaster Dumbledore has come up with the only possibly solution - he needs help. He needs a group of trusted people to fight back, and so begins the Order of the Phoenix. Slowly but surely these young witches and wizards will be trained to fight and protect themselves.

    Where does your path lie?
    Places to Go
    New to us? Great! We love new faces. One of us? Even better - we already love you.

    FAQs | rules | application | holds | residences | cast list | timeline | contacts

    It's known by many as "The Longest Night." Due to a gross lack in security, on June 21, 2001, an innocent Summer Solstice celebration was mistaken for a congregation of "devil worshipers" by an over zealous group of religious Muggles. Twenty-seven wizards and witches were killed that night, enough to breed fear into the Wizarding Society.

    The Ministry was quick to fire the employees responsible for the mistake and located all the Muggles involved and wiped their minds clean. But for a growing political group called Isolationists, these actions were simply not enough. Muggles posed a dangerous threat on the Wizarding World and we must do whatever it takes to stop them.

    Even if it means isolating themselves and destroying any and all links to the Muggle World. Even if it could unknowingly destroy future generations.

    WANTED:</center> Isolation RPG is looking for an active and dedicated group of writers, interested in creating multi-dimensional characters, well developed relationships and complex plots. If this sounds like the game for you, please click on the below links for more information.

    Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Michael Corner, Padma Patil, Theodore Nott and Many More!
    Gameplay began on October 31st!
    [info]isolation_mods » [info]isolation_main » [info]hiddenisolation

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