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January 28th, 2016

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

Hey guys, sorry I haven't gotten any new memes up the last few days, but coding on a cell phone? Not a good time. So I'll post a couple when I get home later and have a computer, but I'm open to suggestions! What do you guys want to see? More gen memes? Shipping? Smut? More slightly taboo kinda stuff? Tell me what you're looking for and I'll do my best to get one or two up this evening.

Comments are screened for privacy.

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

the sick day meme

[Taken from Bakerstreet on DW]

Nothing a little TLC can't fix!

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom.
  2. They are now, for some odd reason, sick (headache, fever, runny nose, cough, whatever you want).
  3. Another character replies and is struck with the sudden urge to take care of them (bringing them soup, extra blankets, Sudafed, sexual healing, what have you).
  4. Have fun!

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

caught in the act meme

[Taken from Bakerstreet on DW]

Almost everyone masturbates, it's nothing to be ashamed of. It's also something most prefer to keep private. But sometimes, people forget to knock while we're in the middle of things, and awkwardness (or something else) ensues.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom.
  2. Reply to others as if you're catching them in the act or being caught.
  3. Have fun!

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

witness protection meme

Maybe you two know each other, maybe you don't. It doesn't matter though, because you both ended up getting on the wrong side of the wrong person, and now you're both put into witness protection. It's more affordable to the taxpayers to put you two in the same place, so whether you like it or not you need to get used to living with someone you may love/hate/not know for an undetermined period of time. Hey, if you're lucky, they'll catch the bad guy soon! Not likely.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Either leave a blank comment or tag others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

You can use the RNG to pick a prompt!

Prompts under cut! )

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme


Bring Your Own Kink

NOTE: this meme is NSFW. (stolen from the love hotel on dreamwidth )

Everyone has a favorite kink or scene or prompt they love to play out - and even if you don't, there has to be something you've always wanted to try, right? A kink? A premise? A prompt? While memes these days are doing great at covering fetishes and coming up with great premises, you can't expect them to cover everything anyone could ever want. There are just too many unique ideas out there!

This meme tries to solve that problem by being a catch-all and hinging on a very simple premise: bring what YOU want to play and focus on that! It puts the power of choosing the direction of threads entirely in your hands. Find other people who will be totally down with playing what you want to play, and let them know just what you're interested in. Simple, right? It's just like a BYOB barbecue, only a lot sexier.

How to Play:
  1. Comment with your character. DON'T LEAVE YOUR COMMENT BLANK. Instead, copy and paste the information below and fill it out to suit your needs. Or use your own ideas.
    kink name/scenario here
    information goes here, your most secret desires
  2. Be as specific or as vague as you want. You can put a kink and the definition (i.e., paizuri), or go all out with a scenario description ("I want my character to get fucked by his brother, who is an alien octopus"). Include pictures to serve as prompts if you'd like, but please link to anything that could be considered triggering instead of embedding it. Otherwise, all ideas, kinks, AUs, prompts, and scenarios welcome.
  3. Tag others whose ideas and kinks are relevant to your interests.
  4. Thread it out, yo!
  5. Be awesome to each other.
  6. Have fun!

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

A Meme Full of Tropes

A Meme Full of Tropes

trope noun \ˈtrōp\
Definition of TROPE
a : a word or expression used in a figurative sense : figure of speech
b : a common or overused theme or device : cliché

This meme is a collection of random fanfic and roleplay tropes.

( stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth )

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing in the comment sections.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme

the (reverse) smut picture prompt

Because any good idea for a meme deserves its own smut version, this is just what the box says: the reverse picture meme for smut/nsfw prompting.

With that in mind, this meme is NSFW and will potentially be image-heavy.

(stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth. )

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Do NOT leave a blank comment! Include a picture (or two or three) of a scenario, scene, position, location, etc. that you'd like to be a part of the RPing.
  3. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  4. Tag Others.
  5. Be awesome to each other.
  6. Have fun!