March 2016

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January 21st, 2016

[info]skepticalwriter in [info]rockthatmeme


Good Morning!

You're now awake, but something is different today. Something happened last night! Maybe you had a wild night, maybe you didn't...? So, it may not be such a great morning after all.

You could be in your own bed, a familiar bed, or maybe you're in an unfamiliar bed. The where and who with, along with the other details are yet to be determined, but something happened last night... or did it? It could all be a misunderstanding, or you may have had a wild night.

Either way there's got to be a morning after!

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme



♥ Leave a comment with your character's name and fandom.
♥ When replying, RNG for a number between 1 and 7. The number you get corresponds with the kind of "first time" sex you're having
♥ Go from there! The sky's the limit.
01] Romantic | You waited and waited and waited for the right moment to take this final step with your partner, and it really paid off; neither of you can imagine this night (or day!) to be any better than it is right now.
02] The Only Time | You know somewhere in your heart that you won't be getting a second chance for this. The relationship is forbidden, or they're moving away, or you're moving away, or something is tearing this relationship apart, and that may be the last thing you want.
03] Set-Up | ... Oh. Well. Someone nudged you and this other person together, the one that you may have loved or hated or been friends with your entire life. It isn' t completely by choice, but it doesn't sound like that bad of an idea... Or maybe it does. Who knows?
04] Experience Difference | One of you knows exactly what to do, and the other doesn't! Maybe they're just a natural at this kind of thing... or maybe there's a thing or two they haven't told you yet.
05] Hesitant | One (or both) of you aren't quite sure if you're ready for this next big step... at the same time, you want this to happen, though the thought makes butterflies flutter around in the pit of your stomach.
06] Awkward | It feels like everything that can go wrong does go wrong. Relax? You can't relax! This is s-s-s-s-sex-- oh, boy, there's another mistake.
07] Wildcard | This is the "other" option. Choose any of the above or create your own!

[stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth]

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme



You have no idea who you are.

One day, you just woke up from the darkness, confused and alone. You barely remember your own name, much less why you're here...or where here is, even. Your own body is strange to you, and if you have some kind of power or ability, that must be frightening. Perhaps you're angry at everything so new and different, lost in this strange world you don't understand or know your own place in. Maybe you feel the need to hide away, lest you be crushed by everyone out there who is sure to hurt you.

You are so, so alone.

Only you're not. There is one person, one person who's found you and taken you in. They've shown you kindness, looking after you while you can barely look out for yourself. Out of the goodness of their heart, they've shown you things, taught you things. Most importantly, they're giving you a new sense of identity. And for that, you've begun to appreciate them. More than words can say, actually. You care for them so deeply that your heart hurts around them. Is that normal? What is this feeling? You can't imagine life without them, and leaving them- That's something you could never consider. Is this lov...

The word's on the tip of your tongue, but you can't figure it out, exactly. What you can figure out is that you want to give everything you can to the person who's done so much for them. You want to stay by their side and make them happy. You want to protect them at all costs.

So no one would blame you for getting confused when you see them with someone else or getting angry when you believe they're in danger. And certainly it's only natural for you to get frustrated when you want to tell them what you think of them, what they mean to you, and you can't figure out what to do. Perhaps following instincts will do?

One thing you know is that this bond and these emotions will never go away, not even when you learn who you are.

How to Play:
  1. This meme is for examining what happens when someone with no memories, potentially someone with powers or skills that could be dangerous at the very least, develops deep feelings for the person who's taken them in or is helping them realize their past. It can be played as awkward, adventurous, tragic, cracky, fluffy, truly romantic, or anything in between. You can play at the beginning, the part where emotions have strongly developed, or even when the amnesiac has regained their memories and must now deal with new feelings.
  2. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences. Be sure to mention your preference on whether your character has amnesia or is the caretaker.
  3. The role of caretaker does not have to always be beneficial. Maybe they caused this condition in the first place so the other character would be dependent, loving, and loyal towards them.
  4. Tag Others.
  5. Be awesome to each other.
  6. Have fun!

( stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth )

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme


NOTE: This meme will contain horror concepts, triggers, and terrible stereotypes. Please click with caution.

It looms out of the woods, tall and elegant, with sweeping Gothic lines. An inheritance, or a gift, or a purchase; this house should be a blessing, but instead it's a curse.

This house knows what you fear.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

( stolen from bakerstreet on dreamwidth )

[info]skepticalwriter in [info]rockthatmeme


Aka: Just share the damn bed!

For whatever reason, the floor is unacceptable as a place to sleep. It's messy, the dog is there, THE FLOOR IS LAVA, or maybe there's flooding. Who cares why it's not acceptable, it just isn't! Normally, that's not an issue, but tonight you have a friend over. Maybe it's the safest place, maybe it's hurricane season and your house is the only one out of the path of the storm. Stop trying to figure out the details, just get over it and share the bed with that person! Sexy times are not required. Intimacy is not required.

Just share the damn bed already!

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )