March 2016

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January 16th, 2016

[info]downrightfierce in [info]rockthatmeme


Everyone lies. Sometimes it's the little things, sometimes it's the big things, but we all do it. Whether it's something insignificant like stealing the last cookie, or hiding a part of you from someone you care about, here's your moment to be free. For whatever reason this is the moment to be a hundred percent honest, in all things.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Tag Others.
  4. Be awesome to each other.
  5. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

take you in

Everybody needs a little help once in a while. Offering them a ride to a shelter is one thing, but if you really want to help, why not offer to take them in until they can get back on their own two feet?

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences (needs shelter or can give shelter).
  2. Tag Others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

You can use a RNG to help pick, or choose your favorite.

Prompts under the cut! )

[info]baneofpaley in [info]rockthatmeme

unusual pair

This one's pretty self-explanatory. Weird pairs, rare pairs, all different kinds. It shouldn't work, but it does.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Either leave a blank comment or tag others.
  3. Be awesome to each other.
  4. Have fun!

[info]mistojen in [info]rockthatmeme


Sometimes, no matter how happy a person is in their relationship, temptation becomes too great and they succumb to desire. This is a meme revolving around the build up to, the act, and the aftermath of an unfaithful significant other. Some of the content in this meme might be considered triggery material for those sensitive to the subject, so tread lightly and with caution.

How to Play:
  1. Post with your character | fandom | and any preferences.
  2. Be sure to mention any scenarios you are interested or not interested in playing.
  3. Specify whether your character is the cheater, the cheated on, or the cheated with.
  4. Tag Others.
  5. Be awesome to each other.
  6. Have fun!

Use the RNG to help you pick or choose on your own!

prompts below the cut )