June 13th, 2008

[info]mystery_muse in [info]rockman_elysium


The crafty folks watching the governmental registry databases for Australia dug this up today!

The official Australian governmental media classification board site is here:

The news is flying across the Megaman sites and gaming interwebs now. Whatever it turns out to be, SOMETHING with the legal name of Megaman 9 has been commercially registered in Australia. SOMETHING is definitely going on.

As far as platforms, PS(3) Network and X-Box Live Arcade digital direct download is spoken of. Red Ant is an Australian distribution company that releases Capcom material in that country with branches into DVD production as well as game-releases. A look at their recent releases definitely points to a recent trend of downloadable content for PSN and XBLA. (Dammit, am I going to have to get a PS3 now?!)

Sources are the ever-reliable Protodude's Rockman Corner and Rockman Perfect Memories:

Rockman Perfect Memories

Protodude's Rockman Corner


Bookmark Red Ant directly for further developments: http://www.red-ant.com.au/Announcements.aspx

More: I have checked the US database of searchable copyright registrations for Megaman and, at this time, Capcom does NOT appear to have registered the title in the US. However, that does NOT mean it doesn't exist, or may still be tied up in applications, or any number of other things. Capcom's only current copyright registration for 2008 is something related to Street Fighter II.