April 14th, 2008

[info]lonely_hunter in [info]rockman_elysium

More random R20 captions (crosspost)

p. 6, very first game
Inafune: I was assigned to Rockman, in charge of character design, in the days when I didn’t know anything about making games. Everything was strange in a strange world to me -- do I do this, do I do that? It was great fun, but very hectic. The man who originally planned the project, my mentor, had started as a designer, and he made the dot picture [T.N.: I’m pretty sure this is “sprite”] for Rockman, and prototypes of Roll and Dr. Light. I turned them into working illustrations, and touched up the designs, and such.

[T.N.: I’m disappointed he doesn’t give the name of his mentor, because that would be the person with the very first concept of Rockman. Maybe it’s such a V.I.P. at Capcom Inafune assumes the Japanese fans already know who he means? Or maybe it’s someone who’s left the company, so they don’t like to talk about him? Inafune refers to him as “Projectman,” like a Rockman character.^^]

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