March 22nd, 2008

[info]neoqwerty in [info]rockman_elysium

[fanfic] Dearth of Memories

Title: Dearth of Memories
Characters: Axl, Red, some use of OCs, and bonus points if you can guess the transformation!
Rating: PG, hinting at violence
Pairing: None
Time: Pre-X7; flashback pre-Red Alert
Warnings: Heavy speculation and attempt at backstory, use of OCs necessary.

( Follow the fake cut! )

Just so you know, the title DOES have a link with the fic, although it's not blatant. XD Axl hungers to know his past, see, see?
Thoughts on this, anyone?

...and no, this isn't the challenge!fic. That one's coming next if my brain complies. XD
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