February 11th, 2008

[info]farenheights in [info]rockman_elysium

A quick post

This person has made the most coolest RMZ toys, in existence.


Poseable, and full of kickassery.

From the looks of things however, it seemed bits from other toys were used. And here I thought I liked taking things apart >>;

New scans've the Rockman Complete Works will be up soon, I swear ._____.


[info]lonely_hunter in [info]rockman_elysium

Third page of Compendium's X profile, part one


He appears to have been developed by Dr. Light, circa 20xx, as a robot with advanced mental capacities roughly the same as a human’s. After Dr. Light’s death, he was sealed away for approximately 100 years, but revived by Dr. Cain, who discovered his capsule. His internal structure has many parts that defy analysis to this day, despite Dr. Cain’s research.
Read more )
ETA: As I suspected, it’s been rewritten. I found the original wording on a fan site:

“X” is a new type of robot with more complex, human-like mental capabilities. However, these capabilities are also extremely dangerous. If “X,” of his own volition, ever broke the basic law of robotics, “A robot must not injure a human,” likely nothing could stop him, and the results would be fearsome.

If I had 30 years, it would be possible to confirm his safety. However, my life will not last that long, and there is no one to whom I can entrust my research. Therefore I will seal him in this capsule. This capsule will test his internal structure for me until his safety is confirmed. Until then, please do not open the capsule.

“X” is laden with both unlimited possibility and unlimited danger. I just hope it turns out for the best.

20XX 9/18 Thomas Light

[This is much closer to the English version given in the same book, it must be the one the official translator was working from.]