January 15th, 2008

[info]mystery_muse in [info]rockman_elysium

[admin] Yahoo and AOL are eating IJ e-mails

Passing on a IJ-related admin note as I know it affects some of us directly:

Those of you who use Yahoo to receive comment notifications, be aware that Yahoo and AOL are currently blacklisting e-mails from IJ. IJ staff are working on the problem, but you'll probably need to track your comment replies for your IJ manually in the interim.

Also, if you are having trouble posting to the community because of Firefox login issues, try these steps:

Clear your cache entirely.
Return to IJ.
Enter your name and password.
When the pop-up asks 'remember this password?' hit 'never for this site'.

You'll have to log in as yourself when you visit the site each time, but you will no longer have that problem of the post page kicking you out and making it impossible to post to communities. I had to deal with this myself ;P

EDIT: [info]squeaky reports that Yahoo is accepting mail again- if you're not getting yours, check your spam filters. (Isn't it nice to have such quick turnaround on problems?)

[info]blunderbuss in [info]rockman_elysium

Fandom discussion: the Maverick Virus

So, the Maverick Virus. In canon, it's pretty straight-forward what the virus does; infect reploids and makes them crazy, can affect anything mechanical, can actually alter reality and ... uh ... okay, the Virus in canon makes no sense. Anyway.

But I've seen some really neat fandom ideas of what the virus is or what it can be, and after seeing a few ideas mentioned around I decided to make this post. Basically, round up every neat idea that you've had about the virus and what it's capable of, and maybe Zero's intended purpose if it fits, and post it here!

The only one that I've come up with so far was inspired by an idea of [info]mystery_muse, in which Zero's DNA/the Virus actually overwrites the DNA of any reploid it infects, making them almost identical on the DNA level. My idea from this was that this method actually turns reploids into mini-Zeros, under his command and capable of infecting more reploids. Essentially, Zero could replicate his own ARMY from scratch, turning any potential enemies into his slaves. This ability was partially passed onto Sigma, where he has (somewhat less) sway over any infected reploid.

You got any similar ideas? Fire away!