January 5th, 2008

[info]mystery_muse in [info]rockman_elysium

[admin] Official Welcome Post!

Er, if Zero and Lumine don't destroy the poor comm before it even begins... then welcome to version two of Rockman Elysium!

We are up and running on Insanejournal as a paid account for an entire year which hopefully will ensure both ad-free and trouble-free maintenance. Your current mod is [info]mystery_muse and co-mod fire_bolero will be reinstated as soon as she sees what's happened and gets an account here. For the moment we are a moderated-join and invite-only community. Some of you should have recently received invites if I knew of your existing IJ account. Others should ping mmxmuse on Yahoo! if you weren't invited and I'll get you hooked up.

The status of the archiving of the GJ community is a matter of high priority and I will do my best to try and get it done this weekend, so we don't lose the scads of conversation and commentary that we developed. Moving always sucks, and unpacking's even less fun.

Now that we're here, though, we can look forward to a new year and a new layout- as well as the upcoming launch of our sister community rp_elysium as previously discussed on GJ.

So! Let's get back to it! I'm going to ask that people use this post to tack up links to their fanfics that have been moved and rearchived- just reply to this post!

Mystery Muse's fic index: http://mystery-muse.insanejournal.com/5594.html
Blunderbuss's fic index: http://blunderbuss.insanejournal.com/3802.html

[info]mystery_muse in [info]rockman_elysium

[admin] Check your Asylum Invite page.

The following users have been successfully invited to RE.
* dreamofdays2138: Member, Can Post
* cloudsky: Member, Can Post
* farenheights: Member, Can Post
* lonely_hunter: Member, Can Post

You can find it under the top bar, Asylums, under Asylum Invitations. XD I'm wondering if the code is a little buggy though. Let me know if you have any problems. Also, be sure to watch the community- just being a member doesn't always translate into seeing the comm on your friends list. *giggle*