Livejournal Refugee Camp

User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-24 12:18
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:mod post, useful links

I'm sure most of you have already added these asylums or at least visited them. I just wanted to put them here because they are related to this asylum and I don't want any newbies thinking that this community is the be-all end-all for lj migrants if they find it first. Because it's not. I realise that this community is similar to other communities (although I hope to bring something unique to it) and very small in comparison. To be honest, I like small. Big is good too, though, and I certainly hope we grow as the weeks get longer and more people flee the insanity that is livejournal.

So, below we have:

For members leaving LJ

"A central community for people to find out what's going on with SixApart's/SUP's amazing customer service skills and associated drama, as well as discussion related to user migration and joining the IJ community. Slightly trainwrecky, may have you headdesking in rage. Check the tag s list for older posts and as a guideline for how you should tag new posts."

You can find a lot of useful information just from reading the profile page. I highly suggest it.

"This community has been created to help people connect with their LiveJournal friends, and is mostly intended for those who left LiveJournal in haste and therefore lost their Friends lists. Please feel free to post your former LJ identity and state anyone in particular that you are hoping to find here."

General Sites for Newcomers

Come and introduce yourself here.

An asylum for IJ FAQ's

I'm not sure how accurate this Asylum is. It hasn't been updated in a few years. However, it also hasn't been deleted, so you may find a dew useful gems!

This community is kind of like the personal ads column of your local news paper. You make a breif post about yourself (interests, personality, and the like) then wait for people to add you as a friend. Conversely, you can look up people that have similar interests, or just sound plain interesting and add them as a friend.

For Fun:
See the insane, round, yellow thing at the top? Submit something that you would like Tweak to say!

Anything to add? Clicky the comment button! Or better yet, post us something! Feel free to cross post, by the way. I don't mind reading twice!

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my journal
May 2008