Livejournal Refugee Camp

User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-24 12:18
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public
Tags:mod post, useful links

I'm sure most of you have already added these asylums or at least visited them. I just wanted to put them here because they are related to this asylum and I don't want any newbies thinking that this community is the be-all end-all for lj migrants if they find it first. Because it's not. I realise that this community is similar to other communities (although I hope to bring something unique to it) and very small in comparison. To be honest, I like small. Big is good too, though, and I certainly hope we grow as the weeks get longer and more people flee the insanity that is livejournal.

So, below we have:

For members leaving LJ

"A central community for people to find out what's going on with SixApart's/SUP's amazing customer service skills and associated drama, as well as discussion related to user migration and joining the IJ community. Slightly trainwrecky, may have you headdesking in rage. Check the tag s list for older posts and as a guideline for how you should tag new posts."

You can find a lot of useful information just from reading the profile page. I highly suggest it.

"This community has been created to help people connect with their LiveJournal friends, and is mostly intended for those who left LiveJournal in haste and therefore lost their Friends lists. Please feel free to post your former LJ identity and state anyone in particular that you are hoping to find here."

General Sites for Newcomers

Come and introduce yourself here.

An asylum for IJ FAQ's

I'm not sure how accurate this Asylum is. It hasn't been updated in a few years. However, it also hasn't been deleted, so you may find a dew useful gems!

This community is kind of like the personal ads column of your local news paper. You make a breif post about yourself (interests, personality, and the like) then wait for people to add you as a friend. Conversely, you can look up people that have similar interests, or just sound plain interesting and add them as a friend.

For Fun:
See the insane, round, yellow thing at the top? Submit something that you would like Tweak to say!

Anything to add? Clicky the comment button! Or better yet, post us something! Feel free to cross post, by the way. I don't mind reading twice!

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User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-24 08:45
Subject: Simple but Effective
Security: Public
Tags:migration banner, mod post

I've been toying with the idea of making a banner icon that members can post on their LJ (or GJ if there are any here) that will lead them back to IJ. Something catchy that you can put up so all your friends list can see it. The idea is that there are a lot of people that can't delete their LJ for one reason or another, but want to make IJ their permanent home. This would allow people to see where you are going, as well as give them the opportunity to explore for them selves.

From what I've seen of people they are more likely to click a link that you have (especially a pretty one) than they are just taking your word for it. Many people are 'click-happy'. I'm one of them.

Perhaps this way we can encourage more people to migrate their way over.

So, my question to you is: Can anyone think of something catchy that we could use as a 'slogan'. And does anyone want to take on the task of creating a banner or icon that we could adopt? I'm not looking for just one! People's tastes vary, so let's see what we can come up with.

As always, questions, comments, and concerns are always welcome!

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User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-22 18:44
Subject: The Welcome Wagon
Security: Public
Tags:mod post, welcome meme

This is based off of every welcome meme you've ever seen, I am sure. Don't worry, it's not mandatory!

Basically I want you to:

1. Post a comment to this thread and tell us your name. User name or real name, what ever is most comfortable to you

2. Something about yourself that you think is interesting. Do you dance, sing, write, draw, or tell some funny jokes? Let us know a little about you.

3. Your top three interests. These don't necessarily have to be the same interests in your profile.

4. (This is for my own research) How did you find this Asylum?

5. What are you most hoping to get out of this community?

6. Why did you leave Livejournal? If you can't pick a specific reason, then how about a date? Or what was the one thing that broke the camel's back?

It's a painless questionnaire, I assure you! I just want to get to know the people who are joining. As always, any comments, questions, concerns or feedback can be commented on in a mod post, or to my e-mail address.

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User: [info]ex_tiggy388
Date: 2008-03-22 17:49
Subject: Welcome to the Community
Security: Public
Mood:bouncy bouncy
Tags:mod post, rules, welcome post

Refugees of LJ is an asylum created for IJ users who have left LJ, or are considering leaving LJ. Because of recent unrest over on Livejournal, more and more users are migrating their way over to Insanejournal. However, many may find starting over in a new journal to be a daunting task.

This asylum is designed to create a community of users who are considering moving their journals, or who have previously taken the plunge. Helpful topics would include the best ways to transfer journals, finding old friends (and indeed, new ones too!), positive feedback, tips and tricks for getting started at IJ, and perhaps sharing stories with users who understand what you went through.

This, of course, is only the parameters set out for a new community. Come, join and make this a truly safe haven for those who felt forced from their previous internet home.

Rules are fairly basic:

1. Stay courteous and keep cussing to a minimum.

2. Do your best to stay on topic! You can always open another thread if you wish to continue your tangent.

3. Despite the name of the asylum and it's stated goals, any and all members are welcome. Even if you were not a member of LJ. This is providing you are there to help new members make the adjustment and find new friends.

4. I reserve the right to ban members for multiple infractions, and to add to or change the rules as needed. I will make any changes known to you before implementing them.

Any comments questions or concerns may be directed at either here or at my personal journal. My e-mail address can be found at both places, as well.

Thank you for joining! Together we can make a community that can act as a stable base for new IJ members.

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my journal
May 2008