October 17th, 2011

[info]darling_boy in [info]red_sky_ooc


I'm off for my move! Not sure quite when I'll be there or how soon I'll have internet.


[info]untamedscot in [info]red_sky_ooc

Plot call

Carr is depressed. Mostly because he has no one alive to trust. *looks at Lauren pointedly*

SO, I was thinking it would be fun to throw him into the Tunnel of Love at the fair.

Which means I need a volunteer pounc-ee when he comes out the end all confuzzled. Anyone fancy random pouncing by the sexy scottish wolf? *waggles eyebrows and tries to pretend she's not pimping out her character*

I'm easy (heh) either way, whether you want a one-off INCREDIBLY AWKWARD AND EMBARRASSING fumble round the back of a tent, or whether it's a set up for something more. Either comment here, or email me on cryogenicwings at gmail dot com.

Alternatively, if you would like proper plot with Carr, Lindsey, or Ellen (Kelly, I want to chat about both Carr and Ellen running into Jo), you can email me about that too. *Grins*