October 16th, 2011

[info]ragged_lady in [info]red_sky_ooc

As promised....


Fortunately our phones died before we got to the point of the night where I was screaming my fool head off from people jumping out at me. So nothing all that embarrassing. Neener neener!

[info]untamedscot in [info]red_sky_ooc

This post brought to you by me having to sort all my playlists on iTunes...

If Carr ever, somehow, gets drunk, he is likely to end up singing this on the walk/stumble back home...

A Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair, and one could tell by how he walked he had drunk more than his share...


And yes, it's true. Real Scotsmen don't wear any underwear. They trust in their sporran to keep the kilt down in the wind. Verrrry amusing when your boyfriend gets drunk and forgets he can't spin around in a circle without horrifying small children at a wedding reception...