October 4th, 2011

[info]slayed_memories in [info]red_sky_ooc

Welcome Fresh Blood!

I was away for the weekend, and returned to see we have a merry band of new players and characters. I'm stoked to see some fresh faces and just wanted to do an all encompassing post to welcome you all.

So, if my characters try and violently kill you in the game, just remember I was all cool and stuff here. Kisses! ;)

[info]red_right_hands in [info]red_sky_ooc

upcoming halloween festivities

Contrary to popular Sunnydale belief, the Hellmouth does not take a day off for Halloween.

In fact, we've got a lot of festivities planned. We will start sometime next week, but for now, here are your teasers:

- Everyone loves a fair, right? Cotton candy, rides, carnies with bad teeth... fairgrounds just a wee bit close to the Gates for things to not go wrong...

- Enter the House of Mirrors at your own risk.

- Visit the Curiosities Tent, run by a seriously... odd... individual for something your character needs.

-There may or may not be a Tunnel of Love. It may or may not totally warp your character's perception of lovey feelings.

While no one MUST participate in this, it's gonna be a boatload of fun. BWA HA HA HAH!

[info]copied_keys in [info]red_sky_ooc

Now that Giles is in the hospital, someone needs to fill in Dawn. I don't think the hospital staff know he's got a seventeen year-old mystical girl/thing waiting for him back at the hotel, so someone in the loop should key her in (pun not intended (I actually typed included at first, how's that for a Freudian slip?)). It's a good opportunity for her to meet more characters in a totally logical and plausible manner that doesn't involve protracted sneaking around the cemetery at night. Any takers?