October 3rd, 2011

[info]ragged_lady in [info]red_sky_ooc

It's a maNEWver*

*Cookies if you get the reference.

So there are a few things I'd like to do with my Molly-wogs which could potentially include some of you. Normally I would email people, but in an effort to not get in the habit of tagging with the same people all the time I thought I'd do this! Clever, huh? Yeah, not so much I know.

Anyway. The things I definitely want to do are:
1) Molly will want to let Carr know she's moving/moved out of the Phoenix and in with this short, pushy blonde chick. She'd like to let Cavan know too though I'm uncertain how so I'm open to suggestions there.

2) Her noggin needs to be put right. That will take Harry.

Things I want to do:
1) Get Molly over this vampire-phobia to a certain degree.

2) The Ragged Lady is a kick butt mentalist/illusionist machine. I need to show that a bit more, and get past psycho Molly.

Ideas? Suggestions? Critique? I welcome them all!
